Good enough to be required reading

NIGHT VISION<br><b>Ella West</b><br><i>Allen & Unwin</i>
NIGHT VISION<br><b>Ella West</b><br><i>Allen & Unwin</i>
Viola lives on a sheep farm in the Canterbury foothills with her farmer dad and classical musician mum.

She sleeps during the day and goes outside only when the sun has gone down, because she has a rare genetic condition called xeroderma pigmentosum which means her skin cannot tolerate UV radiation.

She knows her life will be short but doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. She's more concerned for her parents because she knows the farm isn't making money.

She has night vision goggles, a gift from her parents so she can roam outside after dark.

While doing so one night she sees someone acting suspiciously on the forestry road beside the farm. The tension is slowly built up by Otago author Ella West.

Night Vision would make excellent required reading for schools, as it raises questions of ethics. Ages 13+.

- René Nol is a Dunedin reader.

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