Tale of witches gripping and dark

HALF BAD<br><b>Sally Green</b><br><i>Penguin</i>
HALF BAD<br><b>Sally Green</b><br><i>Penguin</i>
''What are you trying to achieve?''

''Freedom from persecution.''

The answer comes from Nathan, a half-code witch (both sexes are called witches, white or black. Half-code means he had a parent of each shade) living in modern England.

He is virtually an outcast because of this, with only his Gran, one sister and a brother who care for him. His eldest sister would probably kill him if she dared. He has never met his father, a fabled murderer of white witches (who don't exactly hold back either).

Nathan is under constant scrutiny by the Council, which is bent on the eradication of black witches, and has periodic assessments to see if he is developing any dangerous powers as he grows up.

There are elements of Harry Potter here, but it's darker.

A gripping and enjoyable read. A sequel is planned. Ages 15+.

- René Nol is a Dunedin reader.

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