Life Matters: How Well Do You Maintain Balance? (Part 1)

Claire Porima, Business and Life Coach
Claire Porima, Business and Life Coach
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In this article on Life Balance, we look at various aspects of life - physical, mental and spiritual - that contribute to a sense of being in "balance". When we are keeping a healthy overview of what is important to us, and making timely and empowering choices in the present moment about how we spend our time, this is what contributes to "life balance".

But, if trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you're not alone. And my guess is that you don't want to feel this way any more. If you get to the stage that you have so many demands on your time and energy life can feel like a three-ring circus. It's time to step out of the ring and assess what's going on. Be attentive to the signals, and consider how you can be mindful about improving your current situation.

Being in the present moment with your thoughts and actions means you can make empowered decisions for yourself. It is about taking one thing at a time, taking a deep breath, embracing the fact that "you GOT this", that you have the resources and the power to do this . . . and then doing one thing. No matter how small it is. Just one thing. Take this quiz (coming to you in two parts) to see how well you mindfully attend to some life priorities, and consider what you can do to meet your personal definition of what a balanced life is.

Part 1 of 2: questions 1-8 of 16
True False

1. The only way I can successfully manage my life is to take care of myself physically and emotionally.

2. Nurturing myself enlarges my capacity to help others.

3. I eat healthfully and exercise regularly.

4. I have check-ups, go to the dentist, and take preventive precautions.

5. I set aside personal quiet time for myself, whether I'm meditating or simply letting my thoughts drift.

6. I experience the gifts of each season: ice skating, skiing, bundled-up beach walks; gardening, tramping, more time outside; camping, swimming, barbecues; harvesting the bounty, gathering wood, spending more time inside.

7. Creativity nurtures me, too. I do what I love, whether that's cooking, drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing or other creative pursuit.

8. Reaching out to others enriches my life. I spend quality time with family and friends.

If you answered false more often than true, you may want to take a look at the statements to which you answered false, and incorporate something of their message into your life.

Coaching will assist you to develop ways to be more true to yourself, and accelerate achieving mindful awareness (i.e. balance) back into your life. You can see the second part of this Life Balance quiz immediately, by requesting it through my website. If you would value having a 30-minute coaching session with me for free, then go to my website and reference the ODT online Life Matters article. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Claire Porima, Business and Life Coach, advocates for and supports you to invest in yourself as a priority. To schedule a FREE consultation on how coaching can help you master Business and Life Matters and create the changes you want in the world, check Claire's website at

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