Number of women doctors increases

The medical workforce is becoming increasingly feminised, the Medical Council 2012 doctor workforce released yesterday shows.

Chairman Dr John Adams, of Dunedin, said the number of working doctors increased by 2.5%, a smaller yearly increase than the previous two years' surveys.

Men still outnumbered women overall, but the situation was reversed among new doctors, where women outnumbered men.

Men made up 59% of the workforce, but while 45% of female doctors were under 40, only 28% of male doctors were under 40.

Doctors identifying as New Zealand European made up nearly 53% They were more highly represented among specialists and GPs, and less among house officers and registrars.

Doctors identifying as Maori made up 2.9%, while Pacific Islanders accounted for 1.8%, but there were signs their representation was improving.

The proportion of international medical graduates was 41.4%.

The survey showed Otago had 689 doctors, including 173 GPs.

Forms were sent to 13,947 doctors and drew a 96% response rate.

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