Youth ambassador

Photo by Shawn McAvinue.
Photo by Shawn McAvinue.
Saddle Hill Community Board chairman Scott Weatherall congratulates Youth Ambassador Award recipient Andrew Trembath (17) outside the Brighton Surf Clubrooms.

Andrew updated members at a board meeting at the clubrooms on Thursday on how the $1000 the board had given him had helped him represent New Zealand in swimming in Hawaii and surf life-saving in Japan and France.

At the world surf life-saving championships in Montpellier, France, he won 15 medals.

Andrew, a year 13 pupil at Otago Boys' High School, represented the New Zealand youth team against 21 other countries and North Island club Papamoa in the world youth interclub championships.

''You get to go to all these cool places like Hawaii, Japan and France but you really don't see anything.

"But it's enjoyable to go away with the team and get to know everyone you've been racing with for the past 10 years and haven't talked to, and then you go away and you're best mates after two weeks,'' he told board members.

Andrew said he was moving to Auckland in January to take part in a high-performance swimming programme.

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