Funds of $1m put back; housing strategy awaited

The $1 million a year for social housing removed from the Dunedin City Council's budget has gone back in for the moment, until a social housing strategy is complete.

The money was removed from the annual plan in January, when councillors sat to decide the draft plan.

The decision caused an outcry from many social services, and individuals, when consultation was held last week.

Yesterday, Cr Paul Hudson moved the money go back, and he was supported by the rest of the councillors.

Because the money had not been allocated to anything else, the money had sat in the budget and built up as a cash balance, and the move would have no effect on rates, the committee heard.

Cr Dave Cull asked that people who made submissions on the issue be told it was not to be taken from rents and used elsewhere.

"I want it quite clear the money is staying in for social housing, we just haven't worked out how yet."


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