Mana confirms Dotcom talks

Kim Dotcom.
Kim Dotcom.
Discussions over a potential alliance with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party will continue this week, a Mana Party source confirmed yesterday.

Mr Dotcom says Hone Harawira's Mana is one of several parties he is talking to about forming an alliance to contest the election.

He also claims he is talking to a number of MPs in electorate seats about working with his party.

Internet Party chief executive Vikram Kumar yesterday said there was no firm proposal on the table for the two groups to work together. "Mana has to have their internal discussions."

However, the Herald understands the two parties will continue talks this week over the proposal, which is already causing divisions.

Mana Party founding member Sue Bradford said she found it astonishing the idea was even being considered.

"[Kim Dotcom] tried to make a go of it by buying the Right - people like John Banks. That didn't work out for him and now he seems to be making a go of buying the Left and I think that's just going to end in tears as well."

Ms Bradford said some within Mana were looking for a shortcut to build the party, "but there aren't any shortcuts to building a credible party or movement".

The Internet Party, however, is using a shortcut to reach the 500 members necessary to formally register a political party, securing Electoral Commission approval to become the first party to sign up members via its website, or via apps for iPhones, iPads or Android-equipped devices.

Mr Kumar confirmed Apple had yesterday approved the party's app for its iOS system for iPhones and iPads, and the party's membership push would be launched on Thursday.

He hoped that would enable the party to sign up enough members and have members' digital signatures checked and the party registered by the Electoral Commission within about six months.

He said some policy details would be released at Thursday's membership launch at Mr Dotcom's Coatesville mansion.

Meanwhile, the Electoral Commission's decision allowing the Internet Party to sign up members online has United Future leader Peter Dunne seething.

The commission did not allow Mr Dunne's party to submit online membership signings after it was forced to re-register when its membership fell below 500 last year. "They did decide about a month after they re-registered us to allow online registrations but they have not had the courtesy and the courage to apologise to United Future, which I think is outrageous."

Joining the dots

Kim Dotcom's Internet Party is set to become New Zealand's first political party registered via online memberships.

Prospective members can sign up via the party's website, iPhone and Android-based apps.

The Internet Party membership drive will be launched at Mr Dotcom's Coatesville Mansion on Thursday.


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