Logan Park High School prizes

Alice Freeman
Alice Freeman
Logan Park High School held its senior prizegiving recently.

The prize list. -

Clayton House
Year 11:
Maxwell R Arnott (merit history); Frances Barnett (girls' hockey most improved, excellences design and visual communication, English, environmental studies, historical research, merits science, year 12 maths); Isla M Benham (senior formal writing, merits French, history); Aidan M Braid (environmental studies fieldwork prize, excellences phys ed, science, merit year 12 maths); Ocean J Brydon (cup for best back); Meran L Campbell-Hood (debating top senior team, excellence science, merits English, history); Casey J Cuthbertson (intermediate boys' athletics, merits history, science); Claudia Dakin-Thompson (girls' football best team member, merit phys ed); Tyler Dwight (merit general maths); Haziq Hassan (excellence materials technology, metal); Sidney C Leecottle (merit hospitality); Ryan Ong (service international friendship); Ruby P Van Der Zanden (merits French, general maths).

Year 12: Nicholas Adams (merits history, physics); Brittany Aitcheson (merit general maths); Martin W Alford (excellence digital technology); Madelief R Bowen (girls' football golden boot, senior girls' cross-country); Josephine D Devereux (drama cup, senior string playing, senior creative writing poetry, excellence drama, merits classical studies, history); Curtis A Dow (excellence Gateway); Melitta D Fairweather (excellence photography, merit phys ed); Edan C Feint (intermediate boys' cross-country, senior boys' badminton); Rebecca K Harris (merit hospitality); Palaphon Kasemkulsiri (merit Esol); Jivana Macbeth (girls' hockey best team member); Ibrahim Mohamed (merits biology, chemistry, phys ed, year 13 calculus); Akari Okawa (excellence Esol); Karen Penaia (senior netball MVP development squads, service Polynesian group performance, merit career pathways); Dane Scott (merit materials technology, wood).

Year 13: Peter S Barnett (merit media studies); Pepa J Belton (excellence painting, photography); Philip D Cadzow (most valued climber trophy, service school sports boys); Anika Campbell (design & execution of costuming, senior Shakespeare group performance prize, service curators club); Sequoia M Cunningham (senior musical performance); Kyle E Cuthbertson (service school sailing); Tayla J Edmunds (excellence Gateway); Shandelle L Hall (merit University Entrance English); Jordan D Hibbard (outstanding boys' basketballer trophy, excellence phys ed); Haruka Ibori (international graduation diploma).

Omimi House
Year 11:
Matatia Araipu (best forward trophy); Jack M Carter (merit drama); Rani Cohen (merit science); Vyvienne C Evans (English award, excellence music, merits environmental studies, history, maths); Ethan W Gaffney (emerging actor trophy, merits art, drama, science); Natasha Gosling (intermediate girls' athletics, merit digital technology); Georgia Guthrie (service school drama trophy); Tahlia A Hapuku (merit hospitality); Mitchell G Innes (merit phys ed); Emma J Langley (excellence materials technology fabric); Nicholas Lim (merit English); Emma Mcdonald (excellence digital technology); Lara Nicholson (English department prize, merit art).

Year 12: Bipin Chauhan (cricket batting award); Mathew Denys (set design and building award, English department prize, excellences biology, chemistry, media studies, physics, year 13 statistics); James N Dwyer (merit career pathways); Runa J Falanitule (service Tikanga Maori senior, excellence English applied, merits general maths, Maori); Brenden M Freeman-Bray (merit digital technology); Aelyth R Harrison (senior woodwind playing); Charles M Hilton (excellence classical studies); Kenki Kuibira (merit year 11 ESOL); Loren L Palmer (excellences musical performance (year 12), French, music, merits hospitality, statistics).

Year 13: Brett G Collins (1st XI boys' football most improved); Alice K Freeman (cup for scholarship in literature, excellences biology, calculus, chemistry, physics); Andrew Hopkins (prize for excellence statistical research, excellence historical research); Callum S Horwell (best senior bowls performance, boys, digital technology prize, merit materials technology, wood); Josiah Hunt (merit English); Polly H Kennedy (girls basketball MVP cup, cup for drama performance and direction, merits drama, photography); Courtney K Kilner (service curators club, merits hospitality, year 12 design and visual communication); Damon J Lillis (boys futsal most improved, , best senior contribution to junior drama trophy, service school cricket, service school drama, excellence drama, merit French); Ruby Lin (merits painting, year 12 music); Nicole O Littleton (choreography award); Sarah Sell McPartlon (communication prize).

Aoraki House
Year 11:
Laoisa Bishop-Newman (merit accounting); Natdanai Chanthasen (excellence ESOL); Oliver T Eden-Mann (merit materials technology, wood, merit phys ed); Jacobi T Kohu-Morris (excellence English, excellence history, excellence musical performance, year 11, merit environmental studies); Tara Leckie (merits art, English, maths, science); Luke Major (excellence competition maths prize, excellence art, merits design and visual communication, English, year 12 maths); Pippi F Miller (emerging actor trophy, excellences art, drama, historical research, merits maths, science); Hanna Ott (excellence Latin, merits English, music); Holly A Peck-Locke (merit hospitality).

Year 12: Malakai Maamaloa (merit painting); Oscar McNoe (merit classical studies); Mia F Page (merit English applied); Helen Prime (merit English); Saskia R Rushton-Green (year 12 drama trophy, merit drama); Ina Schroer (cup for excellence foreign languages, merit Latin); Marco Seifert-Simpson (excellences design and visual communication, materials technology, metal, materials technology, wood); Jessie A Sims (trophy for excellence stagecraft, excellence materials technology, fabric); George Vella-King (merit accounting).

Year 13: Richard Brown (service school music, excellence digital technology, merit history); Max Garden (excellence contemporary music award, excellences classical studies, history); Viet A Ho (international graduation diploma); Poppy Johns (merits classical studies, English, media studies, statistics); Yuri Kitaba (girls' basketball MVP cup, merits calculus, ESOL, international graduation diploma); Blake A McAlevey-Scurr ( hockey award, senior award composition, senior award jazz combo music, cup for best all-rounder in drama, prize for excellence across the arts curriculum, excellence music); Tane J Menzies (band playing); Robert Motion (excellence applied art theory, merits classical studies, history, photography); Darlene M Nardo (senior girls' badminton, service library, merit English); Macaela B Prosser (girls' rugby trophy); Charlie Ruffman (contribution to speaking and debating cup, debating top senior team, merits biology, chemistry, media studies, physics); Matthew J Scadden (debating top senior team, senior awards chamber music, choral music, orchestral music, senior Shakespeare performance prize, service school music, literary excellence cup, prize for excellence across arts curriculum, excellence media studies, merits drama, physics); Jasmine M Seifert-Simpson (for excellence senior maths prize, merits biology, chemistry); Viet A Tran (excellence accounting, excellence ESOL, merit calculus, international graduation diploma); Lisa Turner (girls' futsal most improved).

Year 11:
Christopher Gillett (cricket cup, rugby cup); Danielle Goddard (merit applied science); William M Kilgour-Hand (excellence stagecraft award); Steven D Rainbow (merits applied science, English applied, materials technology (metal)); Joshua Tree (merit English applied); Flayme A Wharerau (service Tikanga Maori year 11, merit year 12 Maori); Casey J Wheeler (merit general maths); Brittany I Young (merits drama, English).

Year 12: Samantha J Addington (merit English); Yama Y Dempster-Passang (merit photography); Ashlee R Johnston (merit Gateway); Raven M Mackenzie (excellences historical research, statistics, merit English); Connor J Seddon (contribution to speaking and debating cup, debating top senior team, excellence drama cup, film club award, cup for excellence English, excellence history, merits drama, physics); Patrick S Smith (merits hospitality, materials technology, metal); Tyler D Stenton-Martin (senior boys' cross-country); Rosemary K Sullivan (cup for excellence senior maths and science, merit chemistry); Shannon S Thorsnes (merit painting); Roseamanda V Van Der Linde (excellences maths, painting, merits biology, English); Alexander K Woolrych (most improved boys' hockey, excellences English, media studies, merits biology, chemistry, physics).

Year 13: Jack Bloomfield (senior boys' athletics); Hieu Dao (international graduation diploma); Shana C Donaldson (excellence University Entrance English); Tayla J Hohaia (best girls' senior bowls performance, senior A netball cup MVP, service school sports girls); Yuna Kawanishi (international graduation diploma); Tung Le (senior boys golden boot award, international graduation diploma); David Moratti (merit statistics); Dorje Passang (boys futsal MVP, association football cup, technical excellence senior football award); Zoe I Priest Forsyth (girls football most improved); Aimee-Leigh E Rainbow (merit digital technology); Jeremy R Shanks (boys' hockey best team member, merits phys ed, statistics); Hannah M Tregonning (best senior girls' hockey, senior girls' athletics); Meg D Van Hale (senior creative writing award prose, English department prize, award for excellence painting, merit music); Sarah H Wilson (girls' best senior bowls); Abigail R Wolfe (girls' futsal MVP).

Special awards
Service school (boys), Peter Barnett, Charlie Ruffman; service school (girls) Jasmine Seifert-Simpson, Zoe Priest-Forsyth; principal's award service school, Alice Freeman; service student council, Hannah Tregonning, Matthew Scadden; LPHS pupil representative on board of trustees, Ethan Gaffney; head boy award, Blake McAlevey-Scurr; head girl award, Polly Kennedy; citizenship award, Tayla Hohaia; proxime accessit, Jasmine Seifert-Simpson, Matthew Scadden; dux, Alice Freeman.

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