Celebrated opening of new cheese factory

The arch of welcome at Clyde during the jubilee celebrations of the Dunstan-Manuherikia...
The arch of welcome at Clyde during the jubilee celebrations of the Dunstan-Manuherikia goldfields. - Otago Witness, 27.11.1912. Copies of picture available from ODT front officer, lower Stuart St, or www.otagoimages.co.nz.
Another step in the history of the dairying industry of Otago was made on Thursday evening, when the official opening of the Taieri and Peninsula's new cheese factory was celebrated.

In order to keep abreast of the time, and also to cope with the annually increasing supply of milk the Taieri and Peninsula Milk Supply Company lately purchased the premises owned by Mr D Malcolm, the intention being to convert the building into an up-to-date cheese factory.

The building is now practically complete, and presents an attractive and thoroughly up-to-date appearance.

The floor of the making room has ample working capacity for two large vats, and the entire building has been raised three feet from the ground and placed upon cement piles, on top of which are heavy railway rails, which bear the weight of the concrete floor.

The curing room has been lined throughout with tarred paper and four-inch lining boards, while the cavities between the studs have been packed with shavings, thus assuring a cool even temperature. Outside the building everything has been arranged and built according to the latest approved methods. The whole building, both inside and out, is neat and attractive.

 Clyde, November 18: The jubilee celebrations of the Dunstan-Manuherikia rush may be said to have fairly commenced at Clyde today, though the more important functions that have been arranged do not take place till tomorrow and the succeeding days. The Otago Central train left Dunedin with an extra carriage and a full complement of passengers.

In every carriage the red badges of the Gabriel's Gully jubilee were everywhere conspicuous, and the fine upstanding figures of most of the wearers indicated the type of physique fitted to battle successfully with the stern difficulties and privations of pioneering days on the goldfields. For convenience of accommodation a proportion of the visitors left the train at Alexandra and will be brought over to Clyde by special train tomorrow.

An idea of the number of visitors may be obtained from the fact that one hotel alone has arranged to accommodate 80, but it must be admitted so far the influx has not been so large as was expected.

Accommodation was provided for 200 diggers, from whom responses to circulars had been received, but so far less than half that number have put in an appearance.

Disappointment is being expressed that the public bodies in Dunedin are not better represented. The secretary (Mr H E Stevens) anticipates that fully 40 more pioneers will arrive from the country districts tomorrow morning.

- ODT, 19.11.1912.

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