30 years of half marathon

The Balclutha Half Marathon celebrates 30 years tomorrow, when commemorative medals will be given to finishers of this year's event.

The South Otago Athletic Club's Karen Sinclair, who is on the half marathon organising committee, said ''a really good, supportive group of life members'' would be honoured after the 3.30pm prizegiving at the South Otago Town and Country Club, ''just in appreciation for the life members for what they've done for the club''.

About 100 have entered this year's race, down from the two previous races that attracted 150 participants, but Mrs Sinclair said some entrants typically show up on the day of the race, which could be in wintry conditions this year.

She remained optimistic about this year's forecast. Late registration and bib collection begins at 9.30am at the South Otago Town and Country Club.

At 11.15am participants are shuttled to the race start at the Danone milk powder factory near Clydevale.

A 10km run and 10km walk are timed to start with the half marathon at 12pm. A 2km kids fun run starts shortly after that.

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