Otago Boys High School senior prizegiving

Otago Boys High School held its senior prizegiving recently.

The prize list is. -

Joint duxes: Mostafa Amer, 1st calculus, 1st English, 1st French, 1st physics, 2nd chemistry; Andrew Dickie, 1st economics, 1st equal accounting, 1st equal statistics and modelling, 2nd equal calculus, commendations in chemistry & history.

Academic prizes
Year 13

Subject prizes: Harry Calverley, 1st media studies, 2nd equal classics, 2nd equal English, commendation history; Patrick Clancy, 1st geography; Samuel Dick, 1st classics, commendation accounting, statistics and modelling; Hamish Holland, 1st workshop wood, commendation agriculture; Liam Lockhart, 1st catering; Hamish Marchant, 1st graphics; Matthew McKenzie, 1st biology, 1st chemistry, commendation statistics and modelling; Oliver Scott, 1st equal accounting, commendation calculus, statistics and modelling; Ryan Shanks, 1st physical education; Lucas Stevenson, 1st German, commendation classical studies, English, history; Iain Sutherland, 1st art, 1st music, commendation classical studies, English, history; Kurt Thomas, 1st agriculture; Stephen Trebilco, 1st history, 2nd equal classics, 2nd equal economics, commendation calculus, chemistry; Adam Williams, 1st equal statistics, commendation accounting, calculus, chemistry, economics.
Good work: Nirav Agrawal, commendation biology, physics, statistics and modelling; Michael Arnold, commendation calculus, graphics, physics; Timothy Bathgate, 2nd geography, commendation biology, English, statistics and modelling; Ethan Carruthers, 2nd physical education; Kai Tang Cheung, commendation calculus, music, level 2 mathematics; William Dickinson, commendation chemistry, English, physical education, statistics and modelling; Jonathan Maxwell, 2nd music; Alex Murray, 2nd graphics; Sam Parsons, 2nd workshop wood, commendation physics; Joshua Ritchie, 2nd biology, 2nd physics; Seamus Ryder, commendation biology, chemistry, English; Cyrus Siew, 2nd history, 2nd equal English, commendation calculus, classical studies, statistics and modelling; Surapong Somrudeethaveekij, 2nd equal calculus, 2nd equal economics, commendation statistics and modelling; Felix Terpstra, 2nd media studies, commendation chemistry; Scott Woodhead, commendation calculus, economics, physics, statistics and modelling.
Commendations: Matthew Alai, biology, media studies; Johnathon Appleby, physical education; Luke Aston, workshop wood; Darren Coombes, art; Nathan Dunn, chemistry; Max Garbutt, accounting, statistics and modelling; Matthew Glassford, workshop wood, level 2 English; Carl Hunter, biology, classical studies; Hugo Inglis, English, physical education; Ryan Johnstone, calculus, physical education; Blair Kennedy, mathematics applied, workshop wood; David Logan, media studies; Paratene McLeod, mathematics applied; Zhifeng Mai, calculus; Craig Millar, statistics and modelling; Hayden Miller, physical education; Bryce Morgan, physical education; Conor O'Fee, catering; Nikolas Papahadjis, geography, physical education; Henry Parker, physical education; Timothy Phillips, classical studies; Harlee Price, catering; Nima Purvis, physics; Nick Ross, physical education; Puditha Malinda Sirisekara, calculus, statistics and modelling; Thomas Smith, workshop metal; George Spittle, English; Louis Tili, mathematics applied; Paul Wyber, chemistry, physical education.

Year 12

Subject prizes: Travis Applegarth, 1st horticulture; Sehan De Silva, 1st chemistry, 1st English, 1st history, 1st physics, 1st equal mathematics, 2nd equal biology; Michael Everett, 1st equal mathematics, commendation chemistry, French, history, physics; Scott Fraser, 1st equal catering; Daniel Gold, 1st equal physical education, commendation biology, English, mathematics; Dean Griffiths, 1st workshop wood; Michael Harrison, 1st agriculture, commendation physical education; Samuel Haslam, 1st French, commendation English, mathematics; Campbell Hodgson, 1st level 3 Maori, commendation English, German, mathematics, physics; Hamish McGrannachan, 1st equal geography, commendation English; Christopher Motion, 1st graphics, commendation art, English, media studies; Karan Nayak, 1st computer studies, commendation geography, mathematics, physics; Fraser Prendergast, 1st equal mathematics, commendation biology, chemistry, economics, physics; Kurt Purdon, 1st accounting, commendation economics, mathematics; Juno Pyun, 1st music, 2nd chemistry, 2nd equal biology, commendation history, mathematics; Ben Read, 1st equal catering; Joshua Ritchie, 1st equal geography, 2nd media studies, commendation history; Andrew Sise, 1st economics 1st biology, 1st equal mathematics, 2nd physics, 2nd equal English, commendation chemistry; Peter Smallfield, 1st equal art, commendation biology; Matt Stansfield, 1st German, 2nd history, commendation biology, economics, English, mathematics; Blake Turnbull, 1st media studies, 1st equal art, commendation biology, English; James Watson, 1st equal physical education, commendation economics, legal studies.
Good work: Borom Blakie, 2nd German, commendation chemistry, English, mathematics; Thomas Clarkson, 2nd workshop wood, commendation computer studies, mathematics; Rowan Craw, commendation accounting, biology, chemistry, English, mathematics; Duncan Croudis, commendation English, mathematics, physical education & physics; Blair Doherty, 2nd horticulture; Nicholas Dunbar, 2nd economics, commendation biology, mathematics, physics; Eric Everett, commendation catering, chemistry, English, geography; Richard Ley-Hamilton, commendation biology, English, German, history, mathematics, music; Sonny Lim, commendation accounting, biology, mathematics, physics; Benjamin Madden, 2nd music, commendation economics; Garry Morrow, 2nd graphics, commendation workshop wood; Kamil Patel, 2nd accounting, 2nd equal biology, commendation chemistry, level 3 calculus; Julian Prendergast, commendation biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics; Hayden Robinson, commendation biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics; Jamie Sinclair, 2nd French, commendation biology, chemistry, English, mathematics; Gunveen Singh, 2nd equal English, commendation biology; Lucas Tan, commendation accounting, biology, chemistry, mathematics.
Commendations: Reopoamo Aiiloilo, mathematics applied; Warwick Bayne, mathematics; Zak Branks, communication English, mathematics applied; Ryan Clark, art; Glenn Coutts, media studies; Mark Crabbe, catering; Conall Davidson, music, physical education; Curtis Day, physical education; Nicholas Dunne, English; Angai Fakava, mathematics applied, music; Matthew Fallows, German; Salesi Fifita, mathematics applied; Joshua Graham, accounting, computer studies; Billy Greer, mathematics; Joshua Hay, English, legal studies, mathematics; Rory Hill, biology; Jesse James, catering, computer studies; Aaron Johns, agriculture; Samuel Jones, graphics; Ji-Seok Jung, mathematics; Benjamin Kidd, English, French, media studies; Hunter Kim, accounting, workshop wood; Parkorn Kosiyabong, catering; Blair Laughton, workshop wood; Harry Lees, English, mathematics; Kieran Lilley, art, English; Ishvir Lingam, chemistry, mathematics; Scott Lord, communication English; Stuart Malthus, physical education; Wade McClelland, physical education; Liam McGarry, graphics, physical education; Hayden McGregor, physical education; Ciaran McMeeken, music; Tim Medlicott, catering; Michael Moginie, economics, English; Adrian Ng, media studies; Konstantin Plaksey, chemistry, mathematics; Kirk Pullar, communication English; Troy Savage, communication English; Elliott Schaumann, workshop metal; Henry Skellett, mathematics; Mitchell Smith, music; Blair Soper, mathematics; Adam Sutherland, communication English; Michael Taylor, biology; Stephen Treweek, mathematics applied; Jackson Ung, catering; Samuel Valentine, English; Caleb Wicks, catering; Campbell Will, mathematics, workshop wood; Paddy Woodman, art, catering; Nicholas Wyatt, economics, graphics, mathematics; Michael Young, mathematics applied; Marq Zaini, computer studies, level 1 English, economics; Luke Zonneveld, biology, physical education.

Year 11
Subject prizes: Matthew Brook, 1st catering; Jeff Cheshire, 1st information management, 2nd equal physical education, commendation economics, English, mathematics, science; Andrew Curtis-Black, 1st English, 1st French, 1st history, 1st equal German, 2nd equal science, commendation mathematics; Toby Flett, 1st physical education, 2nd Maori, commendation English, mathematics, science; Nathan Hendry, 1st accounting, 1st equal mathematics, 2nd economics, 2nd French, commendation science; Jonas Lobitz, 1st geography, commendation English, graphics, mathematics, science, workshop wood; Bradley McDonald, 1st Maori, commendation English, mathematics, physical education; Baden McNab, 1st art, 1st equal workshop wood, commendation mathematics, science; Robert Mears, 1st workshop metal, commendation English, graphics; Geoffrey Morris, 1st graphics, 1st equal workshop wood, commendation mathematics; Isaac Officer, 1st equal mathematics, 2nd equal science, commendation French, history; William Scorgie, 1st horticulture; Asj Taylor, 1st economics, commendation accounting, English, information management, mathematics; Luke Trainor, 1st science, 1st music, 1st equal German, 1st equal mathematics, 2nd history, commendation English.
Good work: Daniel Acklin, 2nd equal physical education; Fred Blanchard, commendation accounting, English, information management, mathematics, science; Hanan Chittock, accounting, English, information management, science; Charles Frazer, 2nd music, commendation English, French, mathematics, physical education, science; Jackson Gemmell, 2nd catering, commendation mathematics; Jordan Hunter, 2nd workshop metal, commendation accounting, science; Daniel Jakubcik, commendation English, history, information management, mathematics, science; Kenny Kim, commendation economics, mathematics, music, physical education, science; Ryan McGaughran, 2nd graphics, commendation French, mathematics, science; Joshua Nicholls, commendation English, history, information management, music, science; George Poulter, 2nd equal science, commendation art, English, history, mathematics; Nikolai Sim, commendation English, information management, music, science; Alexander Sutherland, 2nd geography, commendation information management, science; Lance Taylor, commendation history, English, physical education, mathematics, science; Mathew Thomson, 2nd horticulture; Dillon Todd, 2nd art; Logan Toomer, 2nd information management, commendation catering; Oliver Wilson, 2nd accounting, commendation English, mathematics, science.
Commendations: Matthew Aitken, mathematics; Jared Anderson, mathematics, music, science; Ryan Anderton, catering; Jamie Angus, physical education, science; Dylan Baird, mathematics, workshop wood; Antony Beel, science, workshop wood; Aaron Blair, English; James Bourne, physical education; Simon Chittock, graphics, mathematics, workshop metal; Cavell Clearwater, music; Cameron Craik, mathematics; Jordan Cudd-Anderson, workshop wood; Samuel Dent, information management, music; Jeffrey Dick, English, information management; Mitchell Duncan, mathematics; Elliot Gill, English; Shaun Glassford, mathematics; Daniel Goodman, English, physical education, workshop wood; Cameron Gray, science; Osian Griffiths, graphics, science; Isaac Gutschlag, mathematics, workshop wood; Binny Guy, history, mathematics; Brandon Hale, science; Riley Hall, physical education; Kurt Hammer, art, graphics; Noel Harris, mathematics; Keegan Harrison, physical education; Chris Hood, economics; Joseph Hunter, mathematics, science; Sam Jackson, accounting, English; Julius Keepa, science; James Kennard, workshop metal; Morgan Kestila, science; Leighton Kirk, graphics, mathematics; Kasidit Kowaranon, mathematics; Ivo Kuhnrich, English, music, science; Sam Lee, accounting; Ashley Lovett, economics; Joshua Mangai, mathematics; Shaun Marks, catering, English; Derek Moerdyk, art, mathematics; Dylan Moyle, workshop metal; Jarrod Murray, English, science; Dylan Musgrave, English, geography, science; Zachary Noone, science, workshop wood; Patrick Oxley, science; Zachary Oxley, workshop metal; Steve Park, mathematics, science; Joshua Partridge, English; Sean Railton, graphics, science; Anton Ratahi, mathematics, science; San Ratvakin, music; Joshua Reid, workshop metal; Jordan Ritchie, science; Cory Sellwood, English, mathematics, science; Tama Tarpey, English; Dan Trewern, mathematics; Oscar Vidgen-Tatom, economics, English, history; Ronakorn Voranunsiri, science; Matthew White, physical education; Aaron Woodhead, English, geography; Jonathan Woodhead, English.
Special prizes
Lucas Stevenson, German; Mostafa Amer, French; Luke Trainor, year 11 science; Luke Trainor, year 11 essay; Sehan De Silva, year 12 literature; Kieran Lilley, creative writing; Karan Nayak, year 12 essay: William Dickinson, year 13 essay; Andrew Dickie, year 13 commerce; Blair Kennedy, senior furniture project; Robert Mears, senior metalwork project; Kurt Purdon, debating; Johnathon Appleby, oratory; Harry Calverley, Dunedin Repertory Society; Stephen Trebilco, Dunedin Repertory Society; Mitchell Smith, drama; Zachary Nicholls, theatre sports; Campbell Hodgson, senior orchestra; Luke Trainor, band cup; Benjamin Madden, senior singing and contribution; Mitchell Smith, senior singing; Alexander Sutherland, intermediate violin; Juno Pyun, senior violin and school music; Commendations: Reopoamo Aiiloilo, drama; Matthew Alai,, drama & music; Johnathon Appleby, drama and music; Samuel Dent, drama; Salesi Fifita, drama; Stuart Hayward, drama; Benjamin Kidd, drama; Richard Ley-Hamilton, drama and music; Benjamin Madden, drama; Ciaran McMeeken, drama and music; Hayden Robinson, drama; Jonathan Storm, drama; James Walters, drama.

Special awards
Outdoor education: Samuel Haslam.
Otago High Schools Board scholarship: Benjamin Dawson.
Community service award: James Walters.
Leadership, service to school: Johnathon Appleby.
Best all-round boy: Stephen Trebilco.


Best all-round sportsman: Blair Tarrant.
Athletics: Blake Ponton, junior challenge cup; Daniel Lastovicka, under 15 javelin; Henrie Njob Anti, under 14 cup; Daniel Adams, junior cross-country; Todd Johnston, intermediate sprints champion; Kane Russell, intermediate field events champion; William Scorgie, intermediate distance champion, intermediate cross-country; Morgan Nathan and Joseph Kemp, senior sprints champion; Caley Watson, open high jump; Reopoamo Aiiloilo, Liam Lockhart, senior field events champions; Bryce Morgan, senior distance champion, 800m, senior cross-country, captain's medal track events.
Swimming: Thomas Wardhaugh, junior challenge cup; Samuel Armstrong, intermediate challenge cup; Matthew Glasford, senior challenge cup and shield.
Rowing: Brodie Hume, most improved junior oar; Lachlan Landels, junior; Baden McNab, intermediate; Robert Mears, stroke senior eight, dedication and commitment; Joe Latta, dedication and commitment; Christopher James, swivel trophy; Daniel Gold, rowing and academic achievement.
Golf: Chase Thomas, Smith trophy; Scott Mitchell, intermediate champion; Duncan Croudis, Greg Turner trophy; Tyrone Ratahi, senior champion.
Tennis: Adam Williams, senior singles; Campbell Hodgson and Oliver Scott, senior doubles.
Hockey: Gregor Croudis, most improved junior; Nicholas Elder, junior trophy; Blair Soper, most improved; Blair Tarrant, challenge cup; Hugo Inglis, golden hockey stick; Nicholas Ross, best attacking forward; Nicholas Dunbar, best defender; Gabe Ritchie, service.
Softball; Benjamin Watts, best player. Badminton: Marcus Chia, most improved junior; James Swan, junior best achievement; Chanuka De Silva, junior best achievement; Kamil Patel, most valuable; Jack Lee, team player; Ching-Huan Yeh, team player. Squash: Scott McKeay, most improved junior; Jesse James, best senior. Trap shooting: Isaac Gutschlag. Smallbore rifle shooting: Hamish Holland, Kurt Thomas, best seniors. Snow sports: Demetri Raffills. Curling: Cameron Gray, best and fairest player. Chess: Campbell Calverley, junior champion; Josiah Samuel, senior champion. Basketball: Cameron Howieson, most promising year 9; Wyatt Purdon, most promising junior; Benjamin Watts, junior cup; Ethan Carruthers, most improved; Hayden Miller, team contribution; Luke Aston, challenge cup; Thomas Rowe, Ajax cup. Yachting: Andrew Shearer, contribution; Peter Sise, most dedicated.
Association football: Joel Stevens, most improved year 9; Alex Greer, most improved year 10; Henrie Njob Anti, junior golden boot; Cameron Howieson, junior midfielder; Michael Plunket, junior defender; Conor Ofee, most improved senior; Samuel Mepham, most valuable senior; Thomas Maclean, senior golden boot; Michael Court, senior golden boot; Seamus Ryder, senior cup.
Rugby: Stephen Butler, year 9 forward; Samuel Ellis, year 9 back; Samuel Blakely, year 10 forward; Blake Ponton, year 10 back; Corey Miller, best junior kicker; Fred Blanchard, dedication and sportsmanship U15 rugby; Jordan Hunter, most promising back other than 1st XV; Brodie Hume, most promising forward other than 1st XV; Louis Tili, goal kicking; Jonathon Appleby, commitment, co-operation, dedication and sportsmanship other than 1st XV; Joshua Reid, most promising loose forward; Jason Stewart, services OBHS rugby club; Ryan Edgar, contribution 2nd XV; Henry Parker, contribution team performance; Blair Tweed, most improved 1st XV; Joe Latta, most promising 1st XV; Nikolas Papahadjis, dedication and sportsmanship; Craig Millar, best player, Challenge Cup.
Cricket: Luke Aston, cricket ball throw; Scott Hunter, best junior bat; Gregor Croudis, best all round junior; Samuel Blakely, best junior bowler; Blair Soper, most improved player; Thomas Rutherford, excellence bowling; Ciaran McMeeken, senior batting; Hayden Miller, other than batting; Matthew Hunter, excellence fielding; George Spittle, best batting performance, Challenge Cup; James Ferris, best all-rounder; Hugo Inglis, dedication and sportsmanship; Blair Tarrant, dedication and sportsmanship.
Special awards: Louis Tili, 1st XV, 1st cricket, Callum Wardell, 1st XV, 1st cricket; Henry Parker, 1st XV, 1st tennis.

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