Earth Hour call for urgent action

Crowne Plaza Queenstown general manager Brett Wilson gets ready to mark Earth Hour, between 8...
Crowne Plaza Queenstown general manager Brett Wilson gets ready to mark Earth Hour, between 8.30pm and 9.30pm tomorrow. The Queenstown hotel will turn off as many lights as possible and host an Earth Hour party in the bar. Photo supplied.
A candle-lit atmosphere will greet guests and staff at Crowne Plaza Queenstown between 8.30pm and 9.30pm tomorrow - but the mood lighting is not planned as a romantic gesture.

Crowne Plaza Queenstown general manager Brett Wilson said for the second year in a row the hotel was turning off as many lights as possible - including exterior lights - and encouraging guests to do the same to mark Earth Hour, an initiative to combat climate change.

Mr Wilson said the hotel would be offering a fun alternative to sitting in the dark or going to bed early - hosting an Earth Hour party in the bar.

"The whole reception area and threesixty will be lit by candles to create a beautiful atmosphere for guests to enjoy.

"It will be lots of fun, and a unique experience for staff and guests," he said.

Mr Wilson said staff had volunteered to participate in the initiative to ensure they observed Earth Hour as best they could.

"It's great to see the commitment from our staff as we couldn't do it without them.

"From the hotel's perspective, while this is a small gesture towards global concern, it's the start of many other similar initiatives aimed at educating the community on what they can do in their home and workplace.

"We hope that participating in Earth Hour will encourage our staff to extend energy-saving practices to their homes, by turning off unnecessary lighting and changing high-energy light globes to energy-efficient fixtures."

Over two thousand cities, towns and municipalities in 83 countries have already committed to Vote Earth for Earth Hour 2009 as part of the world's first global election between Earth and global warming.

The results of the election are being presented at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this year.

The campaign is aiming for one billion votes for Earth, to tell world leaders to take action against global warming.

For more information about Earth Hour visit

What you can do

We have a few tips to help you save on power bills and make every day an Earth Day.

Turn off everything at night - stand-by power is estimated to be 11% of all power use in New Zealand.

Saving: about $100 a year.

Reduce the use of your heated towel rail to no more than 4 hours a day.

Saving: up to $100 a year.

Do not use your dryer.

Invest in a clothes horse and find a space inside your home during winter.

All towels should be dried this way.

Have a "screen-free" hour - turn off your television, computer and cellphone.

Only ever put a washing machine or dishwasher on with a full load.

Buy a simple timer for the heater that may otherwise stay on 24 hours and have it turn on an hour before you get up and turn off when you leave your house.

This will save you money on your power bill and quickly pay for the cost of the timer.

Turn off the lights when you leave a room and buy eco-bulbs - these use one fifth of the power of a regular light bulb and last longer.

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