International airport security conference announced

Strengthening aviation security partnerships around the globe will be the theme of the 2010 AAAE/IAAE International Airport Security Conference, which will be hosted by Queenstown International Airport.

Delegates to the America Association of Airport Executives conference will come from the United States and Europe.

The conference, which will be held from February 15 to 17, will include senior executives from governments, airport and airline representatives and recognised industry leaders in the global aviation security arena.

The event was launched by the AAAE on Saturday via its website.

The site said the complex issues and technologies surrounding aviation security continued to pose challenges as well as opportunities to airport operators, airlines and policy makers in every region of the world.

"This conference will provide an opportunity to examine the security policies and technologies in place today and to discuss how government and industry can work together in partnership to confront future security challenges in a way that increases security and traveller confidence across the globe."

Topics to be discussed include advancing the "next generation" of passenger and baggage screening; using and developing aviation security policies to better anticipate threats; working towards global implementation of security measures and examining the impact of increased security on the air cargo community and general aviation airports.

Emerging trends which used technology to increase security, improve efficiency and facilitate travel, for example biometric credentials and machine readable travel documents, would also be discussed.

Senior airport and airline officials from across the world will attend the conference, giving them the opportunity to network with key government representatives on important aviation security issues.


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