The best gadget for my hearing

Jo Clough of Dunedin knows what she is talking about when she says her new remote microphone device is ‘the best gadget for my hearing’. 

Jo has been wearing hearing aids for the past 20 years, and for 16 of those has been a teacher aide at the local primary school. ‘The remote mic has made a huge difference to my life,’ she says.

‘Any noisy situation was difficult. In the staff room I couldn’t hear what people were saying—there were too many people talking and I couldn’t pick out voices. I had little understanding of what was being discussed and so was not able to participate in conversations.

It was similar in the classroom where lots of noise and voices made it hard for me to hear.

‘This also applied in my social life; if I went out for a coffee with a friend to a noisy café I struggled to hear what they were saying.

‘Then one day my Audiologist, Anthony Rowcroft suggested we try a remote microphone that works wirelessly with my hearing aids’ Jo says.

‘Anthony paired the mic to my hearing aids and I was ready to go. From day one the difference has been amazing. It immediately worked like a charm; I could leave the room and be over 10 meters away from the device and still hear what was going on.

‘Now if I want to speak with a person they clip the mic to their clothing and ‘voila’ I hear everything.

It is so good that one day at Mitre 10 I was looking at paint charts while my husband was over 25 meters away talking to staff about tools, and I heard all about circular saw blades, ha ha.

‘Road noise in the car meant that I could hardly hear my husband talking, now we have a normal conversation.

And in the staff room when I put the remote mic on the table I can easily hear everyone and can now be involved in all the discussions.

‘The remote mic is definitely the best gadget I have ever had for my hearing and I highly recommend it,’ says Jo.

Remote microphone technology is compatible with many of today’s wireless hearing aids.

It makes hearing in difficult listening situations easier, and reduces the effort needed to pick up speech.

It can extend your hearing range by up to 25 meters.

Remote mics often have a mini-jack input so you can also stream sound from any device that has a headphone jack—your computer, MP3 player, stereo, audiobook—direct to your hearing aids.

Call us today for more information

Phone: 03 471 5866


Audiology South Dunedin Clinic:

Cnr Moray Place and Filleul Street

Clinics also in Queenstown, Invercargill, Gore, Winton and Te Anau.


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