What's on this week in the gardening world.
Sunday, May 11
Talk on ''All Things Built'' by Jeremy Hansen, editor of Home magazine and author of Modern. Dunedin Public Art Gallery, 9.30am. Will explore collision between modernism and the cottage/Victorian influences of our domestic settings. Tickets ($18), available through TicketDirect. See www.dunedinwritersfestival.co.nz.
Monday, May 12
Otago/Southland Branch NZ Camellia Society quiz night, St Peter's Church hall, cnr Hillside Rd and Eastbourne St, South Dunedin, at 7.15pm. $20 per team of 4-6 people. Entry includes supper. Teams to register by phoning 488-2975 if possible.
Wakatipu Garden Club AGM, St Margaret's Church hall, Frankton, 2pm. Guest speakers Barbara and Neil Simpson will talk about their beautification projects. Competition: Bouquet of native foliage and/or a potato. Afternoon tea and raffle as usual. Inquiries to Jean, 442-3650.
Tuesday, May 13
Dunedin Gardening Club will meet at 7.30pm in Church of Christ hall, cnrSt Andrew/Filleul Sts. The speaker is Alan Matchett and his topic ''150 years of the botanic garden''. Normal monthly competitions. Spontaneous is Berries. Contact Midge, 488-2796.
Taieri Garden Club meets in the McKerrow Lounge, Mosgiel Presbyterian Church, 7.30pm. Speaker Ruth Rivett-Cuthbert on East Taieri Community Garden. Competition, sales table and supper. Note change of night. Inquiries to Amy, 489-1473, or Nola, 476-3994.
Dunedin Garden Lovers group meets at 1.30pm, Church of Christ, St Andrew St hall. Noelann Stroud will speak on the making of her garden. Sales table. Inquiries to Pam, 488-2285.
Wednesday May 14
Dunedin Rhododendron Group meets at 7.30pm at the Sargood Centre, Logan Park Dr. Speaker Gretchen Henderson on ''Gardens of southwest France''.
Thursday, May 15
Blueskin Garden Club annual meeting, 6pm at Carey's Bay Hotel. Dress code is ''Blast from the past''. We will have a two-course meal, drinks and a short meeting. All members are welcome and must reply to the club email by May 7.
Otago Alpine Garden Group presents a talk by Emeritus Professor Peter Holland on ''Settler's Plants'', 7.30pm, Mornington Presbyterian Community Centre, Maryhill Tce.
Outram Garden Club Outram Community Hall, 7.30pm. Speaker James McKeown, Wenita Forestry. Competition: Nerine, smallest pumpkin.
Saturday, May 17
Otago Lily Society annual meeting, Maori Hill Community Centre, 2pm. General discussion on lilies and the July 5 bulb auction.
Sawyers Bay Garden Club meeting, Emmanuel Church hall, Station Rd, Sawyers Bay, 1.45pm. Speaker: Ray Goddard on market gardening in Sawyers Bay. Competitions: Chrysanthemum large and small, arrangement using driftwood. Two carrots and silver beet in a bucket.
Thursday, June 5
Kay Baxter (Koanga Institute) nationwide talk, Burns 1, Arts Building, University of Otago, 6.30pm. Admission $45. To purchase tickets, visit www.koanga.org.nz/tour or email rachel@koanga.org.nz