5 questions with: Melanie Tavendale

Melanie Tavendale is Waitaki District Council's deputy mayor. 

What was the best birthday present you ever received, and why?

My dad gave me The Bird Dance on tape for my 11th birthday. Mum was sick and put Dad on present-buying duty.  He tried, but it was not exactly what an 11-year-old wanted. It was fantastic because it was memorable and I still laugh about it now. It also made me realise how great Mum was at birthdays! 

My last birthday was also right up there, with a hippopotamus wall shelf and handmade cards from the kids and a day of relaxation at Omarama Hot Pools from my husband. Bliss!

What is your message?

You grow when you push yourself outside your comfort zone. Also, this world is full of promise; take the time to look at it through a child's eyes every once in a while.

If you were going to an island and could take only three things, what would they be and why?

My husband and two kids. My husband for his fishing skills, because I'm rubbish at fishing. And my kids, for entertainment value.

What's something only your family knows about you?

If I told you that, then it wouldn't be something only my family know! I'm a pretty open book. I'm addicted to tamarillos, Marmite and chai tea (not at the same time).

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour are you, and why?

I'd like to claim silver glitter. When mixed with other colours it helps them shine. A good leader gets the best out of others and sees the beauty and opportunities offered by the world around them. I'd like to think I'm that type of leader.

Also, I have a 7-year-old girl, so my life has been taken over by glitter.

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