You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin 0 Comments PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH A seagull investigates a puddle on the St Kilda Bowling Club green after late summer rain on Saturday afternoon. Related Stories Alleged chopper robber sacks lawyer and makes speech from dock One serious after Mosgiel crash as speeding car runs stop sign Wanted pair busted driving on wrong side of road Heading in Star power completes southern celebrations Photos: Waitangi Day celebrations SUBSCRIBER Blackout during rodeo ‘no worries’ for young cowboy on winning streak SUBSCRIBER ‘Destructive’ waves hit round the world rower SUBSCRIBER ACC pleased injury claims appear down Ngāi Tahu settlement ‘created a legacy that inspires us all’: PM Lack of cover for slip damage leaves ‘no option’ Jason Momoa at Qtown Waitangi event More