Greens want controls on new power meters

Green Party's Jeanette Fitzsimons
Green Party's Jeanette Fitzsimons
The Green Party is calling on the Government to set minimum performance standards for the new "smart meters" that power companies are installing.

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment is due to release a report on the meters later today and Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons said she hoped it would answer important questions.

"At the moment power companies are rolling out new meters under voluntary guidelines, but how smart are they and do they serve the needs of consumers, or just the power companies?" she said.

"We need to define minimum standards that protect consumers."

Ms Fitzsimons said the meters could give home owners a choice of how and when they used electricity, saving them money and protecting the environment.

"But this can only happen if they have the right information at their fingertips and the right choice of tariffs as an incentives," she said.

"I hope the Government takes the lead in looking after the interests of homeowners."

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