New cycle lanes frustrate cyclists

Break the law or wait while traffic flows right past you — that's the choice many cyclists feel they're facing when using the new one-way cycle lanes.
Cyclists have to wait through two phases of traffic lights at various intersections on the state highways if they miss a small window of opportunity.
At five intersections along the path, recently installed lights give cyclists the right of way for about ten seconds before turning motorists are given the right of way. 
It means cyclists who miss the green light have to sit through almost two entire light phases before they can ride through the intersection.
Rather than waiting, some cyclists choose to ignore the red light and cycle through when there are no turning vehicles.
Spokes Dunedin chairman Jon Deans says the phasing is ridiculous and not useful for cyclists.
The NZTA say the phasing of lights is something which will require more adjustments as the cycle lanes are completed and all the traffic signals are integrated.

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