Local concern for visiting penguin

"I'm tired and just need a rest" - is possibly the reason that this Yellow-eyed Penguin visited...
"I'm tired and just need a rest" - is possibly the reason that this Yellow-eyed Penguin visited Waikouaiti Beach over the weekend.
This Yellow-eyed Penguin arrived on the beach on a wild and windy Saturday afternoon at Waikouaiti Beach.

Locals contacted the YEP Trust and the local DOC volunteer wildlife warden arrived to find a lovely local couple observing the area around the penguin to ensure it would remain safe from harm. The local mechanic observed for a few hours and then the DOC warden watched until dark, while hoping she might return to sea and continue to a safer reserve further along the coast. Fortunately, to everyones delight, he/she went to sea early the next morning.

Yellow-eyed Penguins moult annually in February and March over a 3-4 week period. During this time they are very vulnerable to predation - disturbances by dogs or people can be fatal so please be extra careful when you are visiting beaches!

Unlike other seabirds, penguins moult their feathers all at once and sometimes they look sick, but are just moulting. In this phase their plumage is not waterproof and the body is not well insulated. As a result they are unable to go to sea to feed and during this time can lose up to 3 - 4 kg in body weight.

 - Ross Curtis

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