Bahama Islands prosper

Prohibition in the United States, which caused enormous quantities of liquor to descend almost like an avalanche upon the city of Nassau, in the Bahama Islands, has transformed the Bahama Government's financial condition from a deficit to comparatively a huge surplus, provided labour for large numbers of unemployed, and put more money in circulation in that little British colony (writes the San Francisco correspondent of the Christchurch Press, under date of February 21).

According to a cablegram to San Francisco, Sir William L. Allardyce, Governor of the colony, announced this in an address opening the 1920 session of the Bahama Legislature. Half-a-dozen vessels carried full cargoes of wines and liquors to the colony and duties from them have restored the Bahamas' Government's fallen fortunes, due to the war, from a deficit to a surplus three times as large as the expected deficit, or about 555,000 dollars. The year's revenue is figured at 1,085,000 dollars. In addition, a surplus of 500,000 dollars yearly, during the next two years at least, is expected from duties when the liquors are taken out of bond. Aside from all this revenue, the pleasurable resort has been greatly patronised by wealthy Americans who happen to be caught without a private supply of spirituous liquors when ‘‘bone-dry’’ prohibition went into force in the United States. The influx of American visitors into the colony has been enormous this season, and the same degree of prosperity is reported from the Bermudas, which lie in the sea just off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States.

A fishing feat

The rather remarkable feat of capturing three swordfish with a rod and line was recently performed by Mr H. Calthrop, near Mayor Island, in the Bay of Plenty.

Mr Calthrop formed one of a party that undertook an expedition in a launch to the island for the purpose of catching fish and drying them. A large haul was obtained, Mr Calthrop using the rod and line, while the other members of the party fished with the usual hand lines.

The smallest of the three swordfish caught weighed 264lb, another 300lb, and the weight of the largest was estimated at 500lb.

Describing the capture of the largest of the fish, Mr Calthrop states that after it was hooked it ran out all the line — about 300 yards in length — although every endeavour was made to keep the launch as close as possible to the racing fish. Fortunately, the swordfish changed its course at the critical moment and prevented a breaking strain being put on the line. It was played for an hour before it was sufficiently weakened to be brought alongside the launch and harpooned. The speed and jumping of the swordfish when on the hook are described as remarkable by Mr Calthrop.

Cleaner teeth

In order to assist in the work of preserving the teeth of New Zealand school children in a healthy condition, the Education Department has distributed many thousands of tubes of a dental cream, to the children of Standards 1 and upwards.

A card of instructions, and a ‘‘pledge’’ for clean teeth accompanies the gift. It is told of one Sixth Standard boy attending a Christchurch school, that he immediately sampled the preparation — by eating a liberal portion.

ODT, 5.4.1920

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