German attacks

British troops passing through a battlefield on the Western Front on their way back from the...
British troops passing through a battlefield on the Western Front on their way back from the front lines. — Otago Witness, 5.6.1918.
Mr Gerald Campbell, the Daily Mail representative with the French army, states: The superiority of numbers on the Oise-Rheims front enabled the enemy to make an immense series of sectional attacks.

Small wedge-shaped parties advanced in echelon, attained definite points, then extended into line and doubled the aggregate of the original front. No fewer than 40 divisions attacked, including special shock troops. The Allies screening troops, already scanty, were increasingly placed at a disadvantage as the line widened. The enemy encountered most savage resistance on Saturday between the Neuilly front and Villers-Cotterets, and threw in fresh troops, including divisions replacing the Guards, who suffered heavily during the earlier advance. Corcy and Troesnes were lost during a swaying fight, but were recaptured by the French cavalry, which figured brilliantly in the day’s engagement. Below Troesnes the enemy was pushed back to Possyd, between Dormand and Rheims.

Advance halted

Reuter’s correspondent at the French Headquarters, writing on the morning of the 4th inst., states: The latest reports of yesterday’s fighting confirm the statement that the enemy is held. The fighting is bitter along the whole front from the Oise to the Marne, with the balance of advantage on the side of the Allies. Such progress as the Germans have made cost them an exaggerated price in casualties. There is extraordinarily bitter fighting in the Ourcq Valley for the possession of the road on the southern edge of Villers-Cotterets Forest in the direction of La Ferte Milon, where a French cavalry division, fighting on foot, is engaged in an obstinate conflict with enemy crack divisions, including the First Division of the Prussian Guards, and making them pay dearly for every foot of ground gained.

Sudan mission work

Miss L. F. Boniwell, who has been organising the local work of the Sudan United Mission for the past fortnight, delivered the last of her illustrated lectures on the "People’s Problems and Possibilities of the Sudan" in the Waddell Hall, Carroll street, last night. Dr Waddell presided over the gathering, which evinced the keenest interest in the lecture, and accorded Miss Boniwell a most cordial vote of thanks. The mission Miss Boniwell represents is an interdenominational one, which has taken up the Herculean task of stemming the Mohamedan invasion of Africa now being carried on by thousands of the trained emissaries of the "false prophet", who are rapidly winning their way among the pagan peoples. The method of the mission is to establish a chain of Christian mission stations right from west to east of Africa from the Niger to the Nile, and Australasia is providing the men and the money for the Nile end of the chain.

Large funeral

The wide respect in which the late Mr T. S. Graham was held was evinced yesterday, when a very large concourse of friends assembled at his late residence in Union Street to pay a mark of respect to his memory. The funeral cortege was a very lengthy one, including prominent business and professional men, members of the City Council, retired citizens, and members of Masonic and other bodies. — ODT, 6.6.1918.

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