Mr Sidey not standing

"The Scotsman's Bonnet'', Owaka Valley, Otago. - Otago Witness, 20.8.1919.
"The Scotsman's Bonnet'', Owaka Valley, Otago. - Otago Witness, 20.8.1919.
The announcement by Mr T. K. Sidey that he does not intend to seek re-election to the House of Representatives heralds the severance of a relationship between member and constituents that has been maintained for nearly eighteen years.

We have differed politically from Mr Sidey during the greater part of his parliamentary career, but our differences have never been of a very serious character, and we share in the regret that will be freely expressed in the Dunedin South constituency over his retirement from active participation in politics.

The more deeply will Mr Sidey's friends and supporters regret his decision in that it has been forced upon him by the need of conserving his health. Mr Sidey might probably have retained the Dunedin South seat for as long as he chose to offer himself to the electors as a candidate for their support.

A bond of personal attachment seems to exist between him and them such as has not been established between any other member of Parliament and his constituency in this part of New Zealand. He may justly claim that he has never spared himself in the furtherance of the interests of the electors of Dunedin South. And he has had no cause to complain of fickleness on their part. They have stuck loyally to him as he has stuck loyally to them.

The wider view of his parliamentary career has disclosed Mr Sidey as a conscientious, painstaking, and useful, if not a showy member of Parliament.

Rugby team ordered off

The senior Rugby match played at Masterton on Saturday between Dalefield and Red Star terminated in a most disgraceful manner (says the Dominion), the former team as a whole being ordered off the field.

The game was marked by rough play on the part of Dalefield, as was manifested afterwards by the number of black eyes and facial abrasions suffered by members of the opposing team. Things did not improve when the referee remonstrated, but a crisis was reached about 20 minutes before time, when the scores were: Dalefield, 9; Red Star, 6.

The latter team had scored a try which was disputed by a member of the Dalefield team, who became abusive. On the referee ordering him off the field he refused to go, but was later removed by several spectators.

Thereupon his fellow-players vented their feelings against the referee by using language which was quite audible to the spectators, and in a few minutes a free fight was in progress.

The referee suspended the match and walked off the field. A special meeting of the Wairarapa branch of the Rugby Union has been called, and the Dalefield captain, the referee, and the two line umpires will be asked to give an account of the occurrence.

Marram grass paper

Mr J. H. Hancock, chairman of the Ocean Beach Domain Board, forwarded a quantity of marram grass to the New Zealand Paper Mills (Mataura) with a view to its utilisation in the manufacture of paper.

Mr Hancock has received a reply stating that the marram grass was found to be suitable for the purpose, but the manufactured article would be improved if old sacks or woolpacks were mixed with the grass pulp.

A sample of the wrapping paper forwarded with the letter showed it to be tough and of satisfactory texture.

- ODT, 15.8.1919.


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