By this means it is estimated that this prime article of New Zealand produce will thus be introduced to some 7000 people. The London office of the board is now continually receiving letters from different recipients in Great Britain eulogising the quality of the lambs received. The success of the arrangement has induced the Meat Producers’ Board to continue to receive orders for the delivery of prime carcases to England.

Baldwin’s UK govt in trouble
London, January 20: The climax of the political drama is approaching. It is anticipated that the fateful division, which is practically certain to result in the defeat of the Government, will occur on Monday night. Meanwhile it is understood that Mr MacDonald will take the portfolio of Foreign Affairs in addition to the Prime Ministership, and, according to the newspapers, he will make several provisional Cabinet appointments.
Uneven Port road
Motorists are complaining bitterly about the bumpy state of the road between Dunedin and Port Chalmers. This refers chiefly to the portion from St Leonards to Port Chalmers, part of which is in West Harbour and port in the Waikouaiti County. The road is used by the ambulance, and its condition is no doubt responsible for increasing the suffering of injured persons who have to be conveyed over it. Some months ago a constable accompanying the ambulance with a severe accident case had considerable difficulty in preventing the injured man from being bumped on to the floor of the vehicle. Fortunately the victim of the accident was unconscious.
Waitati vicar farewelled
On the eve of the departure of the Rev J.C. Jamieson from Waitati to take up the position of assistant director of youth work in Victoria, the residents of Waitati met to bid farewell to him and his family. Miss E.J. Hare opened the programme with a musical item. Then followed a selection by the Waitati Orchestra. Miss Hare, on behalf of the Bible class members, presented Mrs Jamieson with a bouquet of flowers as a token of esteem and appreciation of her work among the Bible class scholars. Mrs Jamieson thanked the people of the district for all the kindness bestowed on her during her stay in New Zealand. Mr Jamieson thanked the congregation very sincerely for its generous gift and for all the kindness bestowed on Mrs Jamieson and himself during the past eight years. He expressed regret at leaving so beautiful a district, and at leaving so many kind friends, but the chance of his life had come, bringing with it the work to which he had devoted himself — that of helping to determine the ideals of the youth of today.
Naseby hits 35.5°C
A heat wave is sweeping the district (writes our Naseby correspondent), the hottest weather of the year so far experienced. On Sunday afternoon the thermometer registered 96 degrees in the shade. Although very little rain has fallen, the continuous gales have ceased.
— ODT, 22.1.1924 (Compiled by Peter Dowden)