Sectarian violence flares

The crowd in front of the totalisator at the Dunedin Jockey Club's spring meeting at Wingatui. -...
The crowd in front of the totalisator at the Dunedin Jockey Club's spring meeting at Wingatui. - Otago Witness, 21.10.1919.
The Greymouth correspondent of the Christchurch Press writes, under date October 21: Greymouth has had more than its share of excitement during the past few days.

The cause of all the bother was the visit of the Protestant Political Association organiser, the Rev. Howard Elliott. Rumours of his coming were circulated early last week, but very few thought that he would venture to visit the Coast.

In this case, rumour was correct, and it was duly advertised that Mr Elliott would address meetings on Friday and Saturday evening, the admission being ''by ticket only''. On Friday night a goodly number assembled outside the Presbyterian Hall, where the address was to be given.

One or two eggs of uncertain age found a mark on the organiser and some of his bodyguards. Last night a meeting was called in Wesley Hall to form a local branch of the P.P.A., and no trouble of any kind was anticipated. Shortly before 8 o'clock a crowd began to assemble in front of the hall, and rapidly increased in numbers until nearly a thousand people were gathered.

A section showed a very ugly disposition, and it was evident that trouble was imminent. Suddenly a volley of stones crashed through the main window of the building, not a pane of glass being left. Several of the inmates were struck with the missiles, two being rendered unconscious from blows on the head.

Further volleys of stones followed, every crash of glass being greeted with cheers. Some of the crowd began singing Irish national songs and ''The Red Flag''.

A rush was then made for the hall, and a systematic hunt for Mr Howard Elliott began. Every possible hiding place was searched, but he had escaped in time.

At 5o'clock in the morning Mr Howard Elliott was picked up by a passing motor, and proceeded to Stillwater, where he caught the train. Feeling in the town runs high, and the sectarian issue is sure to play a prominent part in the coming election.

Immigration restrictions

Wellington: The Undesirable Immigrants Bill was introduced in the House of Representatives yesterday. The object of the Bill is to control the entry into New Zealand of Germans, Austrians, and other persons.

One clause provides that every person landing in New Zealand must furnish particulars of his name, occupation, parents, place of birth, etc.

The clause is practically a continuation of the regulations now in force in the War Regulations Act. The landing of any German or Austrian in New Zealand without the prior authority of the Attorney-general is prohibited.

Old Waikouaiti immigrant dies

One of the oldest and most respected residents of Otago has just died, in the person of Mrs Catherine Williamson, who was born in the Shetland Islands in 1830. After a three months' voyage in the ship Nelson, Mr and Mrs Williamson, with nine children, landed at Port Chalmers on December 31, 1874.

In the year 1888 Mr Williamson met with an accident, which terminated fatally. For a number of years Mrs Williamson has borne much suffering with Christian fortitude, and death was not unexpected.

The funeral, which took place at Waikouaiti, was largely attended; four sons and many other relatives being present.

- ODT, 23.10.1919.


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