Trotting Cup favourite 'nobbled'

Lake Kaniere, near Hokitika, West Coast. - Otago Witness, 29.12.1909.
Lake Kaniere, near Hokitika, West Coast. - Otago Witness, 29.12.1909.
A good many of the residents of Central Otago probably by this time share the feeling of hopelessness, akin almost to despair, which Mr William Fraser expressed in the Lower House last week with regard to the prospect of effective State action on the irrigation of Central Otago.

That the majority of the members of Parliament do not understand it, we have little doubt.

But they can have no excuse in face of the information that has now been placed before them for failing to realise the magnitude and importance of the work that has to be undertaken in Central Otago.

A report by Mr J. Bruce, of the Agricultural Department, tabled in the House on Thursday specifies that nearly a quarter of a million acres in Central Otago will profitably admit of being irrigated.

This is comprised of: Earnscleugh block, 4400 acres; Clyde block, 3000 acres; Tiger Hill-Lauder block, 31,000 acres; Ida Valley block, 52,500 acres; Cromwell block, 1870 acres; Mount Pisa block, 4290 acres; Luggate-Glen Dhu block, 2300 acres; Tarras block, 25,740 acres; Gibbston block, 920 acres; Maniototo block, 87,000 acres.

In addition to these areas there is one of about 6870 acres in the Hawea Flat, which, already adapted to the purposes of high-class farming, would be rendered much more profitable if water was obtainable when required.

Everyone who takes an interest in the matter must feel, we think, that dilly-dallying has marked the policy of the Government in the past with respect to the matter and that the time has really come when a progressive movement should be instituted.

• Auckland: A dastardly act, which savours of an old-time racing novel, was perpetrated at Mr Bartlett's stables at Ellerslie on Saturday night, when the trotting horse Rothschild Junior was "nobbled".

From what can be gathered, some miscreant got into the horse's box and rubbed his hocks with a strong acid, and when the horse lay down his body was burned in several places, and the unfortunate animal has since been in a bad way.

Rothschild Junior was owned by Mr Nicholls, of Christchurch, and was favourite for the Auckland Trotting Cup, which is to be run tomorrow.

The matter has been placed in the hands of the police.

The Auckland Trotting Club is offering a reward of £100, and Mr Nicholls £50, for evidence which will lead to the conviction of the offender. - ODT, 28.12.1909.


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