Unversity Council in debate over new lecturer

New Zealanders in China at the Canton villages mission premises, July 1909. The group of three...
New Zealanders in China at the Canton villages mission premises, July 1909. The group of three visitors and four missionaries is. - Back row (from left): Mr Taylor (Warepa), Mr John Wilkinson (Dunedin), Miss Taylor (Warepa) and Mrs George McNeur. Front row: Miss Mawson, Miss Anderson and Rev George McNeur. - 'Otago Witness', 15.12.1909.
The University Council met yesterday afternoon in conference with Mr John Studholme upon the appointment of a lecturer in Domestic Economics.

Mr Studholme made a very lengthy and detailed report, outlining the course pursued at American and other universities, and also dealt at length with the qualifications of various applicants for the position.

Power was given Mr Studholme by the council at a former meeting to select a lecturer, but this he did not do, contenting himself with making a strong recommendation in regard to two ladies.

The council did not make any decision yesterday, but will hold a special meeting today, in conference with Drs Truby King and Batchelor, and Messrs George Ritchie and W. Downie Stewart (Citizens' Committee), in reference to the appointment.

This is rendered necessary by the fact that Mr Studholme now recommends the appointment of an assistant, at 250 per year, and the appointment of one of the nominees for the lectureship is in some degree concerned with the establishment of an assistantship.

To meet the extra expense thus involved Mr Studholme has increased his offer from 200 to 300 for four years, as well as providing the passage-money of the assistant.

In the Highlay district, near Hyde, there has been a considerable amount of ground applied for as special claims for quartz mining, and also in the Macraes locality several abandoned claims have been re-pegged.

A party hailing from Timaru has taken up some old claims in Macraes, and is having a sample of five tons of stone sent to Barewood to be tested.

To make a success of this property an expenditure of not less than 10,000 on plant alone will be necessary.

- ODT, 15.12.1909.



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