Wakatipu dam dispute solved

Ministerial visit to the proposed Kawarau Falls dam site, at the outlet of lake Wakatipu. From...
Ministerial visit to the proposed Kawarau Falls dam site, at the outlet of lake Wakatipu. From left J. Horn MP, E.J. Iles, Minister of Mines Hon G.J. Anderson, Undersecretary of Mines A.H. Kimball, Dunedin Inspector of Mines A. Whiteley, private secretary F. Sherwood. Otago Witness, 18.3.1924
The Hon G.J. Anderson, Minister of Mines, when in Central Otago, met representatives of the Cromwell Development Company and the Kawarau Gold Mining Company at the site of the proposed Kawarau dam.

After discussing the matters in dispute between the parties a satisfactory arrangement was come to. As there will be no further opposition to the granting of the extended claims on the Kawarau, the probabilities are that the Kawarau dam, which will not block the river for dredging purposes, will be put in hand almost immediately.

Difficult surface on Stuart St

To the editor: Sir, I trust you will grant me space to refer to Albert street, near London street, as a sample of how not to make a road. For over a month this road has been torn up and strewn with metal of all sizes up to pieces as large as two fists. A few days ago several loads of clay and soft soil were spread here and there to make some potholes for which Dunedin roads are so famous. Up this road, with many steep pinches in front of them, have to toil horses which drag heavy loads to Roslyn, Maori Hill, Kaikorai etc. The tram rails at the side of the road stand from one inch to three inches above the surface in places. The unfortunate animals have to scratch over the tram lines on the steep incline or stumble through the loose metal. Perhaps someone connected with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will help to wake up the City Council to a sense of responsibility. — I am, etc, T. De Spong

Intercalary day’s time distortion

Many happy returns to all people whose birthday fails on February 29. Strictly speaking, they can claim a birthday only once in four years, and it seems right that they should be specially felicitated when the infrequent occasion comes round. — by ‘Wayfarer’

South Dunedin school’s tribute

The Forbury Committee asked permission to erect a war memorial in the form of an arch at the entrance to the school grounds. Permission granted subject to the approval of the architect.

Queens Gardens site finalised

A meeting of the War Memorial Committee was held in the Triangle yesterday under the conduct of the Mayor (Mr H.L. Tapley), when the site of the soldiers’ monument was finally decided on. It was unanimously agreed that the obelisk should be placed near the centre of the Triangle, and that the Wolf Harris fountain should be removed to another site. Under the latest arrangement the footway which runs diagonally across the Triangle from Lower High street to the corner of Cumberland and Rattray streets will be altered to cut straight across the park. Then a new footway will be made from the apex of the Triangle straight to the base of the Triangle at Rattray Street. A cross will thus be formed by the two footways, and at their intersection the obelisk will be placed. It will be necessary to shift the Macandrew bust at the apex. The committee decided that a permanent electric light should be installed on the top of the obelisk, and that it be lighted from sunset to sunrise. There is a proposal that the soldiers’ monument should have no names whatever inscribed on it — simply that the stone was erected to the memory of our soldiers, etc. The base will be 60 feet in diameter from face to face and 65ft diagonally. It will be about 90ft high. The foundation stone will be laid on Anzac Day.

ODT, 27.2.1924  (Compiled by Peter Dowden)