Draft plan recommends doubling waste disposal costs

Gary Kircher.
Gary Kircher
The cost of disposing waste at recovery parks in the Waitaki district could double next month.

A draft waste management and minimisation plan will be heard by the Waitaki District Council tomorrow. The council’s four waste recovery parks are recovering about 10% to 15% of their operating costs from user charges, falling short of the council’s 40% to 60% target.

In an effort to avoid raising rates or closing the parks, the plan recommends prices be increased.

The increase would be from $60 per cubic metre to $120 for residual waste, and from $20 per cubic metre to $50 for green waste.

The plan projects these increases would generate more income for the parks and ensure they remain open.

Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher said the council would look at where it could cut costs but  there was not a lot of leeway.

"To a degree, that’s just the way it is. The parks are very expensive to operate regardless of how much waste goes through them. There are a number of fixed costs.

"It can be an issue of affordability but it can be a motivation for people to recycle more," he said.

The plan was considered "business as usual" and sought to improve the present system rather than making significant changes to services and facilities.

The plan also recommended leaving waste collection to the private market to keep rates affordable.

Mr Kircher said the council was committed to reviewing the outsourcing of waste collection.

"It can be a higher cost overall but at the moment the system works. If you recycle more and throw away less, it can be a very good incentive for people to do the right thing." 

- Emily Menkes

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