Tourism group to plan growth with Australia

Closer working ties with the archrival across the Tasman will help grow New Zealand's $23 billion tourism industry, the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand says.

The association aimed to strengthen those ties in a series of meetings in Sydney this week with Australian tourism organisations.

Australia was New Zealand's biggest source of visitors, with more than 1.1 million Australians "crossing the Ditch" each year. However, it was also one of New Zealand's biggest competitors, attracting visitors from major markets including the United Kingdom, United States and China, association chief executive Tim Cossar said in a statement on Friday.

"This makes it crucial for New Zealand to find ways of working with Australia that will benefit New Zealand tourism operators.

"TIA will be strongly encouraging the incoming government to build relationships with our tourism counterparts in Australia. Our Tourism Future Statement 2011-14 The Visitor Economy: Creating Wealth highlights the opportunities a research partnership with Tourism Australia would offer. "Sharing research and information will benefit the tourism industries of both countries."

Mr Cossar said New Zealand should also follow Australia's example in developing a growth strategy, similar to its 2020 Tourism Industry Potential Scenarios for Growth.



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