Kaitangata author Joyce Beck and Kaitangata Promotions launched the book A Trip Down Memory Lane, Volume 6 at the Kaitangata Community Centre last Saturday.

It is the sixth book in the series, and includes interviews of ex-Kaitangata residents.
These residents tell of their memories of Kaitangata and explain how life was when they lived there.
"The books tell not only of the lives of those interviewed, but shows us what Kaitangata was like in the early days," Mrs Beck said.
"It also allows us to see the activities that took place at thattime, and how these lives were woven into the fabric of the town.
"They form a great historical reference to the early days of the Kaitangata Community," Mrs Beck said.
Clutha District Mayor Bryan Cadogan was present, and said he "enjoyed looking back and reading about the history of the district and seeing photos of people I knew in my younger days".
"It is the first I knew that there was a punt between Inch Clutha and Paretai," Mr Cadogan said.
Kaitangata resident Judith Dick said that she had bought the whole series and had really enjoyed reading about Kaitangata history, as she was part of the town in those earlier years.
People can contact Mrs Beck to buy a copy of the book.