DIRA input sought

Public consultation has been launched on a review of the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001.

The Act regulated dairy giant Fonterra as the dominant player in the market to protect the long-term interests of all farmers, consumers and the wider economy.

In May, the Government began targeted consultation and it has now opened public consultation with a discussion document launched by Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor on an Outram dairy farm yesterday.

In a statement, Mr O'Connor said the country's biggest export sector must be "fit for the future''.

The review looks at open entry and exit obligations, the farm-gate milk price settings, contestability for farmers' milk, the risks and costs for the sector, and the incentives or disincentives for dairy to move to sustainable, higher-value production and processing.

"We need everyone with an interest in the success of the dairy sector to take part in a frank appraisal of the issues,'' Mr O'Connor said.

Public consultation will be open until the end of February

  Former Environmental Protection Authority chief scientist Jacqueline Rowarth has been elected by farmers to DairyNZ's board,

and the board has appointed communications specialist Jo Coughlan as a director.


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