The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand has updated its Fertiliser Use on New Zealand Dairy Farms booklet to ensure farmers get the best value from fertiliser applied.
Association chief executive Vera Power said the booklet was updated to align the advice with the code of practice for fertiliser nutrient management.
The booklet is part of a long-standing series of guides on fertiliser use, specific to New Zealand conditions.
"The booklet is intended to provide clear, concise information on key aspects of soil fertility and responsible nutrient management for productive dairy farming."
The guide was based on years of scientific research under New Zealand conditions and provided sound recommendations for soil test ranges for essential nutrients, Dr Power said.
Booklet co-author Jeff Morton said appropriate management of the soil nutrient status was central to grass-legume pasture systems.
"The booklet sets out how dairy farmers can consider their target soil phosphorus status for optimal economic return".
The booklet can be downloaded at
Hard copies are available by emailing