Cancer awareness


Channel 39-Southern TV production manager

In 2022, it is still a devastating fact that every day, about three New Zealanders die from bowel cancer — the second highest cause of cancer death in New Zealand.

Every year, 1200 of us die of bowel cancer.

To help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms, treatments and potential causes of bowel cancer, Channel 39-Southern Television has produced a series of programmes.

With the support of Mercy Hospital and Cotton Soft, a series of clips and programmes are available on broadcast and online.

Key information includes being aware of the symptoms, which is the first step you can take to prevent bowel cancer.

Symptoms may include bleeding from the bottom (rectal bleeding), change of bowel motions/habits that come and go over several weeks, anaemia, severe persistent or periodic abdominal pain, alump or mass in theabdomen, tiredness and loss of weight for no obvious reason.

If you have any of these symptoms, or you are concerned about your bowel health, see your GP straight away.

Behind Bowel Cancer and NZ’s Silent Killer will broadcast on Channel 39-Southern Television on Sunday, August 7, at 9.30pm, and will be available online at