NZ's travel bubble with Victoria paused - Hipkins

The state of Victoria will enter a 5-day lockdown at midnight tonight. Photo: Getty Images
A Covid outbreak in Melbourne has prompted warnings for New Zealand travellers. Photo: Getty Images

New Zealand's travel bubble with Victoria will be paused while the source of infection of the five cases announced in Melbourne in the last two days is investigated, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says.

In a statement this afternoon, he said the pause will come into force from 7.59pm (NZ Time) and be in place for 72 hours initially.

As with previous pauses, it will be under constant review.

"While the [new Melbourne community] case announced today is not unexpected as a contact of a case announced yesterday, New Zealand officials have assessed that the most cautious option is to pause the travel bubble with Victoria as there are still several unknowns with the outbreak."

Hipkins said the Government understands the disruption this will temporarily cause affected passengers.

"It was a close call but the correct one given the current unknowns. The decision follows the travel bubble framework."

He said that anyone in New Zealand who has been at a location of interest in Melbourne at the specified time should contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 as soon as possible for advice on isolating and testing.

Anyone who has visited Melbourne since May 11 should monitor for symptoms and seek advice from Healthline if any symptoms develop, Hipkins said.

Hipkins said a Section 70 notice has been issued under the Health Act with a number of requirements for any person who attended a location of interest.


The Ministry of Health is advising Kiwis who have recently travelled to Victoria to check a growing list of locations of interest, as health chiefs across the ditch warn locals to "ready themselves" for further cases in the state's most recent Covid outbreak.

The ministry says it is "actively monitoring" the situation but is not recommending closing our travel bubble with Victoria.

"The ministry's current assessment is that the public health risk is appropriately managed through the actions taken by Victorian health authorities."

The ministry also warned potential travellers that the situation could quickly change.

"Anyone planning to travel to Victoria should take into account that advice from health authorities could change at any time and be prepared for their travel plans to be disrupted," it said.

It also told Kiwis to check the growing list of locations of interest.

The Ministry of Health is advising Kiwis who have recently travelled to Victoria to check a growing list of locations of interest as health chiefs across the ditch warn locals to "ready themselves" for further cases in the state's most recent Covid outbreak.

Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton warned the community to brace for more possible cases.

"We have to ready ourselves for any other positives, and when there are close contacts who do become positive, that raises the possibility that even a casual contact could become positive as well."

Highpoint Shopping Centre in Maribyrnong and a Bundoora swimming school have been listed as initial exposure sites.

Anyone who attended the "tier one" sites at specific times on Thursday and Friday must get tested and isolate.

Australian Health Minister Foley flagged no immediate changes to Covid-19 restrictions, and all domestic borders remain open despite most states and territories issuing updated travel advice for recent Victorian arrivals.

The latest outbreak snapped Victoria's 86-day streak without a locally acquired case.

 - additional reporting AAP