Countdown to taxi cameras

The countdown is on for Dunedin and Queenstown taxi companies to buy and install the in-car security cameras they must have by the middle of next year.

Transport Minister Steven Joyce yesterday confirmed a rule requiring taxi companies in New Zealand's biggest urban areas to have security cameras from August.

Taxis operating in towns with more than 30 taxis will have to have the cameras.

The original, draft rule would have applied to towns with 20 cars, such as Timaru.

Dunedin Taxis manager Simone Green welcomed final confirmation of the rule: taxi companies were conscious of the narrowing timeframe in which to look for cost-effective camera options.

Taxis that already have in-vehicle security cameras have until February 2012 to get them approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency.

The rule says the images are subject to the Privacy Act and must be securely held and accessed only by the police or someone authorised by the police, or by a person authorised by the taxi company.

People can also request to see them as "personal information about themselves".

The rule also requires all taxis to have a telecommunications system that can be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and an emergency alert response system.


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