Car charger on its way (+ video)

Still under wraps, this electric car charging site will be the first of its kind in the South...
Still under wraps, this electric car charging site will be the first of its kind in the South Island. Photo by Linda Robertson.

A rapid-charging device which will support the growing popularity of electric cars is being installed at a Filleul St, Dunedin, car park.

Delta communications manager Gary Johnson said work on the rapid electric car charger was continuing, at the Dunedin site.

It was hoped the charger would be ready for public use at the end of next month, Mr Johnson said.

Delta's charging site would be the first in the South Island where cars could charge up in under 30 minutes, Delta officials have said.

Contractors have been working at the site, where the charging station will replace a couple of car parks.

The station will be free to use for the first year, and is costing Delta about $50,000.

The charging unit will be compatible with all major makes of electric vehicles.

Delta staff are hoping it will encourage motorists to consider switching away from more conventional fuel-reliant cars.

Resource consent for the charging unit was granted by the Dunedin City Council late last year.

Mr Johnson said Delta wanted to encourage greater use of electric vehicles.

The eventual opening of the fast-charging facility would be a "small step'', but would also be a "positive'' development.

The charging facility would enable electric cars to charge 80% of their batteries in half an hour or less, he said.

New model electric cars featured increasing range before having to recharge.

That trend and the advent of the Dunedin quick charging station would reduce the "range anxiety'' of some electric car users.

Electric cars had many positive environmental features, including being powered by renewable energy, and producing no emissions, he said.

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