Rich-lister's son admits attack on cop

Nikolas Delegat
Nikolas Delegat
The 19-year-old son of a New Zealand rich-lister has now admitted all charges from a violent incident in Dunedin last year.

University of Otago student Nikolas James Posa Delegat was accused attacking a police officer, assaulting a campus watch officer, resisting police and damaging a window during the incident outside a student bar about 11pm on March 26, 2015.

Police officer Alana Kane needed hospital treatment for a black eye and serious swelling to her face.

In August last year, Delegat elected trial by jury on the aggravated assault and denied the other assault and the wilful damage. He admitted resisting arrest although no conviction was entered.

Delegat appeared today in the Dunedin District Court for what was scheduled as a pre-trial call-over.

But Crown counsel Robin Bates asked to amend the aggravated assault charge to one of assaulting Alana Kane with intent to obstruct her in the execution of her duty.

Delegat pleaded guilty to the amended charge through counsel Marie Taylor-Cyphers. He also admitted the assault on the campus watch officer and wilfully damaging a window.

At the request of Ms Taylor-Cyphers, Judge Michael Crosbie entered no convictions.

Delegat would be asking for a discharge without conviction, Ms Taylor-Cyphers said.

On all charges, Delegat was remanded for sentence in August.

No summary of facts was read but the original allegations were that Delegat punched a hole in a window after becoming enraged about a remark a friend made about his girlfriend; that he punched a Campus Watch officer who interevened when Delegat was having a heated argument with his girlfriend and that he violently resisted police, punching Constable Kane in the face as she was trying to arrest him.

