Getting to grips with the stadium's size

One of seven trucks carrying structural steel for the base section of one of two roof support...
One of seven trucks carrying structural steel for the base section of one of two roof support columns for the Forsyth Barr Stadium. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
The first seven of what is expected to be more than 300 loads of structural steel pulled into the Forsyth Barr Stadium site in Dunedin yesterday.

As the trucks rolled in, the true size of the structure began to become clear.

Standing back from the stadium and viewing the distance between the south and north stands, the latter now beginning to take shape, it is possible to see just how large the stadium will be when the roof and walls are added.

The steel tubing was manufactured by Grayson Engineering in Auckland.

Despite its size, it will make up only the base and lower part of the huge roof support columns on each end of the stadium's south stand.

Each column weighs about 85 tonnes and is being delivered in sections.

The columns are reassembled on the site, and will be lifted into position by crane.

Two columns - one at each end of the main south stand - will support the main roof truss.

The main roof truss will run east-west along the front edge of the main south stand.

The truss will support the southern end of the five roof arches spanning the pitch.

The northern end of the roof arches will be supported by the concrete columns of the north stand.

Lifting the lid
Roof construction will begin this year. An indicative timetable:

Roof columns to be erected: by April.
Main roof truss lifted into place: in May.
First roof arch on site: May.
Place first roof arch at the western end: late June.
Remaining roof arches placed: August-December.
Pitch preparation: November onwards.
Roof complete: by January 2011.
Turf preparation: January-February 2011.
Area of fixed roof: 27,200m sq.


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