Sheep focus of Beef and Lamb NZ events

Sheep will be the focus of two farmer events in Cheviot next week.

The Cheviot Trust Hotel is the host for Beef and Lamb New Zealand's northern South Island Farmer Council annual general meeting from 10am on Wednesday November 20, followed by a sheep profit partnership North Canterbury field day from 1pm.

The Farmer Council meeting was to be held in Christchurch earlier, but because of storms there were insufficient farmer members attending to register a quorum.

The role of the Farmer Council is to guide and advise on the development and delivery of new tools and services for ongoing improvements in farming systems.

The northern South Island council invested about $250,000 for events and activities in the area each year.

Reports and other items discussed at the Christchurch meeting would be tabled so additional comments and more contributions could be made as part of the Cheviot meeting. Beef and Lamb NZ said this would enable the minutes from the 2013 annual meeting to be put forward for approval at the 2014 meeting.

After the meeting, lunch would be available before the field day. Contact Ian Knowles on 027-496-8496 for more information.

The Beef and Lamb NZ sheep profit partnership North Canterbury field day will begin at 1pm on Hugh and Lucy Dampier Crossley's farm, Koromiko, in Fagans Rd, near Cheviot.

The aim of the day was for those attending to see and learn how the group was aiming to significantly lift sheep production. Group members will talk about selecting genetics to lift targets and improve nutrition to achieve top results.

The end goal was to increase production and profits by lifting conception rates, increasing lamb survival and improving lamb growth rates.

Guest speaker farm consultant Nicky Hyslop will talk about lessons learnt from the successful Beef and Lamb NZ beef profit partnership.

The field day will conclude with a barbecue and refreshments sponsored by North Canterbury Veterinary Clinics Ltd.

- For more information contact Wayne Allan on 027-434-1790.

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