Twenty/20 - Otago vs Auckland

Otago's Warren McSkimming bats.
Otago's Warren McSkimming bats.
Nathan McCullum sweeps the ball.
Nathan McCullum sweeps the ball.
The small crowd on the bank wraps up against the chilly weather.
The small crowd on the bank wraps up against the chilly weather.
Otago's Sean Eathorne sweeps the ball.
Otago's Sean Eathorne sweeps the ball.
Auckland celebrate the wicket of Hamish Rutherford.
Auckland celebrate the wicket of Hamish Rutherford.
Warren McSkimming (left) and Ian Butler (right) shake hands with the Auckland victors at the end...
Warren McSkimming (left) and Ian Butler (right) shake hands with the Auckland victors at the end of the final over.
Otago Ian Butler bats.
Otago Ian Butler bats.

The Otago Volts play the Auckland Aces at the University Oval on Friday the 13th of February. Photos by Jane Dawber; prints available from Otago Images.

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