Whirlwind bedmaking team

Wanaka housekeeper Pamela Pittaway, New Zealand's top-ranked bedmaker, demonstrates her skills...
Wanaka housekeeper Pamela Pittaway, New Zealand's top-ranked bedmaker, demonstrates her skills yesterday with Edgewater Resort team-mates (from left), Ann Saunders, Marie Mullerova, Paula Alves, Leandro Ferri, and Kazuya Nakano. Absent: Sita Wills. Photo by Marjorie Cook.
If housework was a sport, Pamela Pittaway, of Wanaka, would be a national champion.

Mrs Pittaway is regarded as the fastest bedmaker in New Zealand, posting a time of 1min 46secs, in a hotel industry competition in Queenstown recently.

She bettered the previous queen-sized bed mark by 10 seconds during the final of 10 rounds of South Island bedmaking races.

But the mother-of-four now has to wait until November 3 to see if anyone can beat her time in the three remaining North Island rounds to be held at the Katrina Gordon Homeshow.

Mrs Pittaway has worked at Edgewater Resort for 18 months.

"It was quite stressful because in the other teams, some of them were really tall and they had long legs to work around [the queen-sized bed] ...

"I had to catch my breath afterwards.

"One of the contestants, after he made the bed, he had a nosebleed," Mrs Pittaway said.

Mrs Pittaway and her teammates spent several months training, working out a secret sheet-folding method crucial to cutting time.

The team refused to disclose the method yesterday.

Coach Ann Saunders, who is also the hotel's housekeeping manager, is proud of her team's efforts.

Mrs Saunders knows all about competitive bedmaking, but "I am past rushing around like a flea in a fit".

She said each bed had to be made with a mattress protector, two sheets (one with a special fold), a quilt with side flaps and two pillows in cases, and presented bed to hospitality standard five.

At Edgewater, she supervises between 10 and 25 staff, depending on the season, and at present is watching over workers from nine nationalities.

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