Tea party in the Antarctic

Alluvial mining at Skippers: a prospector at work. - <i>Otago Witness</i>, 5.4.1911. COPIES OF...
Alluvial mining at Skippers: a prospector at work. - <i>Otago Witness</i>, 5.4.1911. COPIES OF PICTURE AVAILABLE FROM STAR STATIONERY SHOP, LOWER STUART ST, OR WWW.OTAGOIMAGES.CO.NZ
The following cable message, describing the meeting of some of the members of the British Antarctic expedition with Captain Amundsen's Norwegian expedition was forwarded to London from this city last night: -

"When following the barrier from King Edward VII Land, with a view to landing the eastern party in the vicinity of Balloon Bight, we found the Fram at the Bay of Whales. We visited the Fram, and learnt that Captain Amundsen, Lieutenant Johansen, and a party of seven were established in winter quarters two miles from the edge of the ice. Captain Amundsen returned in the early morning and invited the English officers to breakfast.

"They visited the hut, which had every appearance of comfort. The men were in excellent health and condition. The stores were being landed and transported to the winter quarters, and seals were abundant. Captain Amundsen and his officers lunched on the Terra Nova, after which the ship's company visited the Fram. Captain Amundsen's sole object is to reach the Pole, travelling via Beardmore Glacier, after which he intends to carry out his original programme of Arctic exploration. In the meantime the Fram will proceed to Buenos Aires, returning to the barrier in 1912.

"Their equipment includes 116 Greenland dogs, sufficient sledges, skis, and dogs to work 13 in a team, there being two teams to each sledge, working on alternate days. The load is 100lb for each working dog. The party will ski alongside the sledges. The men are clothed in seal furs. The dogs' food is dried fish. The Terra Nova left the message announcing the meeting of Amundsen at the Discovery hut, which Captain Scott will find on his return from the depot journey".

• For the purpose of selecting a site in Southland for a high-power wireless station, Mr J. Orchiston (Chief Engineer of the New Zealand Telegraph Department), in company with Captain Gard'ner (of the Permanent Force, New Zealand Artillery), and representatives of the Australian Wireless Ltd (which company has secured the contract for New Zealand installations) is at present in Invercargill. Contrary to expectation, a high altitude for the station is not likely to be selected as a station in the centre of an extensive area of flat lands produces the best results.

The Seaward Bush district is accordingly regarded as the most suitable site. The station will involve the erection of a steel tower, 400ft high, insulated from the ground, and weighing about 50 tons. The tower will be kept in position by hawsers attached to heavy concrete anchors, and wires resembling the ribs of an umbrella will radiate 1000ft all round it.

- ODT, 3.4.1911.


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