Fisherman have a whale of a time offshore

The Sea Scouts' new boat Foam Queen near the Dunedin wharf, with the first crew of Sea Scouts in...
The Sea Scouts' new boat Foam Queen near the Dunedin wharf, with the first crew of Sea Scouts in the Dominion. Seamanship instructor H.R. Cole is in the stern, with District Commander Jones and Scoutmaster McPherson in the bow. - Otago Witness, 6.11.1912.
Two fishermen had an exciting experience about five miles off the Nuggets the other day (says the Clutha Free Press). A big whale suddenly appeared near their boat. The cetacean, which was between 30ft and 40ft long, came right up to the boat and began to gambol about it.

The men lost no time in turning their boat and making for the shore, but the whale seemed to take an interest in the boat, and followed it, and every now and then dived under it, and then came up again to spout. The men were afraid lest the whale might crash into the boat and upset it, but fortunately they reached the shore without mishap.

Two other whales were seen at the same time, but they did not come near the boat.

• A rather peculiar accident happened to a milkcart in Clyde street on Saturday (says the Clutha Leader).

A pair of horses were yoked up in tandem, and by some means the leader, going at a good pace, pulled the shafter off its feet. The shafter turned a complete somersault and lay under the cart, its head under the tail-board and its tail under the front of the cart. When released it was little worse for its acrobatic feat.

• WELLINGTON: There has recently been a great deal of talk about the want of proper accommodation for flaxmill hands in the Manawatu district, and several cases of typhoid have been reported, but apparently the men themselves are a good deal to blame for the insanitary conditions prevailing. This afternoon an important report by Dr H. Chesson (District Health Officer) and Mr D. Carmody (Inspector of Factories) on the accommodation and sanitation of flax mills in the Manawatu and Horowhenua Counties was laid on the table of the House.

The report states that 35 mills, three cutters' camps, and two private camps were visited. The officers were accompanied on their inspection by Mr Broad (representing the Flaxmillers' Association) and Mr Stove (president of the Employees' Union). Every facility, it is stated, was given by the owners to make a thorough inspection of the mills, and information was in all cases freely tendered.

The general impression conveyed was that the owners were, in practically all instances, prepared to do anything within reason that was considered necessary for the provision of proper accommodation and sanitation at the mills, and it seems only necessary that some uniform standard should be adopted for them to follow.

The report goes on to state that at most of the mills the accommodation was not satisfactory, but that it was only fair to point out that the men themselves had not taken any steps to improve that which was provided or even to keep it clean. - ODT, 7.11.1912.



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