Keeping it in the family

Photo by David Bruce.
Photo by David Bruce.
Ross Dickie and his 97-year-old father, Norman Dickie, both from Gore, take an interest in a solar telescope at the astronomy camp at Camp Iona during the weekend.

The camp was held annually at the Herbert facility from 1992 to 2003, originally organised by Mary Sandri, of Weston.

The appeal of the camp, apart from its accommodation and facilities which offer an inexpensive weekend, is its dark sky, Ross Dickie, who reintroduced it and took over organising it from 2006, said.

There is a glow from the Dunedin and Herbert street lights, but it does not affect viewing at night.

The camp has speakers during the day and astronomers also set up their solar telescopes.

At night, it is out to view the dark sky until late, the time depending on what is on display.

Numbers vary each year, and peak attendance was 64 in 2009.

This year there were about 25, ages ranging from 14 to Mr Dickie's 97.

They started arriving Friday, the camp officially ended at noon yesterday, but some stayed on until today to take advantage of the night sky.

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