Waihola subdivision gets approval

One of the fastest-growing townships in Clutha is about to get bigger with a 28-lot rural-residential housing subdivision approved for the north end of Waihola.

The Clutha District Council's hearings committee approved Brendon and Diane Lawlor of Lakeside Ventures Ltd's application in a written decision issued two days before Christmas.

The 148ha site will boast sections ranging from 4470sq m to blocks smaller than 2ha.

The proposal attracted 11 submissions, of which six opposed the application, two supported it and three did not have a view either way.

The hearings committee granted the application, subject to several conditions and its decision can be appealed to the Environment Court.

In its decision, the committee said it considered the landscape to be one of the key issues in deciding whether to grant consent.

"We accept the applicant has made a significant effort to manage and minimise the visual effects of the development," the decision said.

This included careful placement of roads and building platforms, avoiding skyline ridges, provision of three stages of landscaping and controls on building heights, colours and materials.

But it acknowledged, despite these efforts, it was still impossible to fully avoid some effects on the landscape.

"Overall we consider that, while there will be adverse visual effects, they are not fatal to the application. Provided that other adverse effects can be adequately controlled and the benefits can be guaranteed through consent conditions, then the landscape effects can be acceptable."

Perhaps the most contentious issue was the disposal of waste and stormwater from the site.

The committee agreed with the concerns of several submitters who were worried about the risk of possible contamination of nearby Lake Waihola.

But it was provided with "comprehensive expert evidence" that any adverse effects could be avoided.

The committee was also satisfied with issues surrounding traffic, public access, telecommunication and power services.



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