Claim stadium debate cost trust

Pat Harrison
Pat Harrison
The Dunedin City Council needed to take a good look at its consultation process following an acrimonious debate on the stadium, and loss of public trust, Dunedin educationalist Pat Harrison said in her submission.

She told the committee the consultation process should be assessed in order to rebuild the community, regain trust and reduce acrimony.

"The distrust level is high. You see it and feel it."

She said the formality of the annual plan process was a barrier to those with greatest need, and a city "lost its soul" if it did not reach out to those people.

"The hallmark of a good city is if it tries to eradicate social exclusion."

As well, successes needed to be publicised to promote pride and restore confidence.

Mrs Harrison agreed with a suggestion from Cr Kate Wilson that workshops for consultation outside the annual plan process were a good idea.

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