Focus on Catlins bush

Forest & Bird South Otago Branch spoke about their local achievements and work ahead at a...
Forest & Bird South Otago Branch spoke about their local achievements and work ahead at a presentation at Balclutha Library recently. PHOTO: NICK BROOK
South Otago Forest & Bird updated the community at a presentation at Balclutha Library last week.

Forest & Bird has just celebrated 100 years of speaking out for nature, working to protect and restore New Zealand’s environment and native species.

"South Otago Forest & Bird (SOFB) branch focuses on the Catlins, with the same concerns as all people who care about our natural world: loss of biodiversity, introduced pests and predators, climate change, fresh water quality and ... a lack of political will to protect the environment," spokeswoman Jane Young said.

"The work of our branch is hearts and minds stuff ... about getting our hands dirty and more often than not, it’s both."

She gave SOFB involvement with the 550ha Lenz (Land Environments of New Zealand) Reserve as a case in point.

"This is a beautiful area of native bush, but the birds and other animals are threatened by introduced predators, while the bush itself is being hammered by deer and pigs.

"South Otago members are involved with predator control, talk to school groups and offer guided walks on the challenging Long Track.

"Last year we provided an ecotour for local councillors so that they could see first hand why it’s so important to protect our native forests.

"Protection of the hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin) has been a priority for SOFB.

"In recent years we’ve seen a drastic decline in Catlins populations, but we’re not giving up without a fight.

"Predator trapping, growing plants for habitat protection and supporting rehab efforts are ongoing."

She said it was important to raise awareness with the public as well as council, and people who wanted to do their bit were always welcome.

"Conservation in the Catlins has something for everyone.

"If helping a bat survey would mean staying up past your bedtime, then how about [helping] our native plant nursery or Dutton’s Bridge riparian planting project?

"If something less physical is more your thing, there are always letters to write and politicians to annoy."