Prominent Otago man pleads not guilty over mosque shootings video

The allegations include possessing a sawn-off shotgun. Photo: NZ Police
The allegations include possessing a sawn-off shotgun. Photo: NZ Police
A high-profile Dunedin man has pleaded not guilty to all of the allegations he faces, including possessing a video of a dog having its legs cut off.

Earlier remanded in custody, the man appeared by audio visual link in the Dunedin District Court today where he denied a raft of charges and elected trial by jury.

Among the charges are three of possessing objectionable material - a live dog having its legs cut off with a machete, 398 images of adults engaging in sexual activity with animals and a video of the Christchurch mosque shootings; eight methamphetamine charges, two GBL (fantasy) charges and five relating to cannabis.

Other allegations include possessing ammunition, a sawn-off shotgun, a .22 calibre rifle, possessing three tasers, possessing cannabis for supply and refusing to provide police with the pin to his phone.

Judge Michael Turner continued the 67-year-old man’s interim name suppression to protect his fair trial rights.

The man was further remanded in custody to July 24.

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