Rolleston resident heading to court over parking ticket

Rolleston resident John Boulton has disputed his parking ticket, with the matter destined for...
Rolleston resident John Boulton has disputed his parking ticket, with the matter destined for court in February. Photo: Supplied
The Selwyn District Council will head to court for the first time over a parking ticket next month.

Rolleston resident John Boulton received a $40 ticket in August for parking his ute outside his Lucca Cres house with two wheels on the berm, something he had done for three and a half years prior to getting the ticket.

He disputed the ticket, telling the district council he should have got a warning. But the council refused to waive it.

Boulton continued to refuse to pay and now the matter has ended up in court.

He faces a hearing on February 13. Boulton said he will represent himself.

Boulton would not comment because the matter was now before the court.

But he previously told Selwyn Times: “If I had got a warning there would not have been an issue.”

Data revealed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act shows in the 12 months until November the district council waived 199 tickets that were disputed.

A further 474 tickets had their disputes dismissed.

In the same period the district council referred 497 outstanding infringements to the Ministry of Justice for collection.

The district council's first time in court follows a massive uptick in fines issued around the district.

From October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024, the council issued 2070 infringement notices amounting to $199,528.

During that period the council issued more tickets for parking on grass berms than any other infringement, with 797 issued.